I am trying really hard to get over him, but I can’t. I was in denial for awhile; however, he is demonstrating signs that he is not into me, let alone want anything serious. I like him so much that it hurts. I can’t get this feeling with other men. However I also cant waste my emotions on a man who is not into me. I deserve someone who actually loves me and wants to be with me… I tried going on dates… it doesn’t work and I feel like shit having to cut it short. This man was my dream man. He is so handsome, smart, easy to talk to, amazing personality, and ugh just amazing. But it is not meant to be. I want to move forward, but its hard.

  1. That’s life sometimes and we all face difficulties like these. We must first embrace the one trouble we have with ourselves before making peace with a person. I know it doesn’t seem like it but maybe try embracing yourself a little more in this moment to show that even without a dream you can still live on to create more dreams and find new hope among the stars.

  2. Hey girlfriend, I know how you feel. and the other person who commented is right. Things like this in life happens and there’s only so much you can do. It’ll hurt, I know and you’re gonna feel sad and cry. Let those emotions come out but tell yourself, “I’ve Wasted Too Much Time, I’m Moving On”. Sorry to be blunt but stop thinking about what you had with him and start being mad at what he’s done to you. He hurt you, makes you sad, cry, You’ve given him enough power over you. There’s so much out there for you, just go forward because the sun will rise tomorrow and a new day for you. I sincerely wish you the best.

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