I (22F) am graduating college this spring and will be moving to a new place for a job. I’m a pretty serious person as I’m very passionate about my academics and extracurriculars, and I like to be busy. However, I’ve never really gotten the hang of dating and haven’t been in a relationship before. I’m also introverted but try to push myself to make plans with friends. That doesn’t always happen, but I try to be aware and proactive (basically though overthinking social interactions).

I’ve been on my fair share of first dates from the apps but haven’t really connected or aligned with anyone. I also unsuccessfully asked a few guys out over the past couple of years which definitely bruised my ego in the moment but over time made me proud of myself for trying. For context, the three people I asked out were through class, work, and mutual friends. I would love to ultimately be in a relationship one day, but I can never tell if I’m trying too hard, not trying enough, or if I even look approachable to others. My plan is to focus on dating (and also starting my career) once I move, but I don’t know how to do that in a fun way. I really want to enjoy my early 20s and date, but I don’t know how to make that happen. Any advice would be appreciated!

1 comment
  1. This might not sound super helpful, but I kind of think you’re overthinking things. What do you enjoy doing? Do that. Prioritize meeting new people and getting to know people over dating. All of the most successful couples I know are really great friends with each other and some even started out as just friends.

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