TLDR: first time doing long distance and it sucks, any advice?

My (23F) boyfriend (22M) is a professional cricket player and he recently “moved” 10 000km away to play cricket for 5 months.

I’ve never been in a relationship that is long distance before and it honestly sucks. He really tries to message me when he can but he rarely has time. We end up talking about 1hr a day.

I’m struggling to stay supportive and excited for him. Any advice on how to deal with a long distance relationship?

*for some clarification, I’m studying but that does not take up enough of my time to keep me busy.

1 comment
  1. Prior military girlfriend here so I’ve done the deployment thing and I’ve got some tips from that perspective. I was in the US, he was overseas so our times RARELY lined up. We used the app Voxer to send voice chats and texts to each other. We “took each other with us” when we did mundane things. I’m going grocery shopping? I’m taking pictures of EVERYTHING and leaving little voicechats for him to listen to when he had time. Oh, my song is on? Guess who’s singing to him in the car. Find something funny online? Send it to him.

    Also, in the first 2 months of his deployment, he got 4 care packages because I was a college kid and I was BORED.

    Your boyfriend isn’t military, but you could still find little ways to make him feel less far away. All that communication made the transition when he came back so much easier too.

    You’ll obviously have to communicate with your boyfriend to see if he’s interested in anything like that or if it would be annoying, but go for it! Let him know you need to feel a little more connected and see what you come up with together.

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