In November I asked out what seems to be sweetest guy I have met. He was in my lab last semester, and before I asked him out for coffee we never really talked. We went and seemed to hit it off really well, he followed up with a second date a few weeks later (after finals, before he went home for Christmas, and we went out for coffee the week of Thanksgiving). He did mention a second date, when I went for the check he got it and said I could get it next time. It was a good date, no kiss. Not that I didn’t want to, but I think he may have wanted to and I just didn’t initiate anything because at the time I just thought he was only being nice and wouldn’t actually want to kiss me. He left to go home for break two days later.

We didn’t really talk aside from me driving him to the airport, and offering him a ride back but I wasn’t able to.

He didn’t text for at all, I was missing him and figured I should just ask him (I guess it was my turn anyway). We played chess together, and then went to eat. He was sweet, and asked me out again the week after to play chess and eat dinner. Then two weeks later I asked he to go ice skating with me (I used to do competitive figure skating). We has fun he was so nervous and quite on the way there, we ate dinner again afterwards. I linked my arm with his as we were walking out of the restaurant l, I asked if it was weird since it was sort of my first time initiating any contact and I knew he wouldn’t touch me unless I touched him. Later when I dropped him off at his car he kissed my cheek. I guess he was a bit nervous because he forgot the pizza box right by his feet and left in a hurry.

He didn’t text for a few weeks after, we talked at school once. I wasn’t going to text again but I just wanted to talk and know why he hadn’t asked out again. I was going through a tough situation and just wanted to talk to him. I asked him how he was and asked if he would like to go walking with me (this was the week of spring break) he said and I’ll quote the whole message, “I’d love to but my dad actually just got in from ___ and I’m probably gonna him around ____ this week. I’d really love to go walking with you sometime. Maybe after break?”. To which I replied, “No that’s great. I will see you sometime after. Have fun! :)”. He said that sounds great and then we talked about school for almost an hour.

That was the last time we spoke. I like him so much, I just hurts because I’m thinking oh maybe he’s just studying for final which is in a few weeks and it’s really crunch time, or he just never liked me. What do you guys think?

Also, please I have already initiated so much with him I can’t do it again or I will be the fool even more, so please don’t say just text him.

  1. Only he knows what’s going on in his head but in general if someone doesn’t talk to you for a month it’s not a good sign

  2. yeah i think he just likes talking to you randomly n he sounds pretty awkward when you’ve initiated things in person. move on.

  3. Don’t put your life on hold for him. Regardless of his future intentions with you, you need to move on anyway. You must assume at least for your sake that he is not coming back. Try not to figure it out or stress over it- you will never figure him out. Just keep moving, if he shows up in the future then see how you feel then and re-consider. But please whatever you do, stop waiting for him or expect him to come back… go and live your life.

  4. “hasn’t texted in a month”…..look, do we need to spell it out? Sucks that this happened, but it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here.

  5. I dont think its the fool to initiate. Before I read that a simple “how are things going?” Life gets busy. I txt my guy alot, he goes quiet sometimes but appreciates my messages. If I wasnt soo persistent he wouldnt be in my life & hes the best person I know. If u dont want to txt him then only thing to do is move on.

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