I really do have problem in socialising with peoples…I used to think I’m an introvert,But no! It’s dipressing to stay on you own everytime when everyone is talking…I want to talk..I want to socialize.. kindly help..I don’t want to become that dumbass kid anymore who is considered has most quitest, scary (My friends say that i stay like I’m afraid..).I want to change.. The most prominent reason of me keeping my mouth shut is “I can’t speak clearly..” i.e Sometimes i speak too fast, Sometimes too unclear such that i need to repeat my wordings several times.. I don’t want to become this dumbaass Personallity anymore..Pls help.

  1. Omg im in the exact same situation.. if im silent thats a problem… if i talk thats also a problem as i talk too fast or not clearly and need to repeat myself (super embarrasing)

  2. I’m in the totally same situation.
    But I’m developing some habits that make me feel good about myself.
    I wake up early, go to bed early. I try reading some books, learn to code. I love playing guitar, especially fingerstyle.
    I try to run 8.5 km consistently everyday. Sometimes I go solo travel at the city.
    I practice nofap, definitely help, raise my confidence. I fail many times but keep going. My longest streak is 114 days.
    And more importantly, I have a purpose. I don’t care what other people think of me. I try to be myself, my true version.

  3. Honestly I think a majority of people posting in the social skills sub are people who are neurodivergent and don’t fit in with neurotypical people don’t beat yourself up a lot of them are assholes anyways

  4. practice talking. talk to your family more and more. record. learn how to speak. stop calling yourself dumb

  5. Firstly you’re not dumb for speaking unclearly.

    Even I stammer while speaking and my family used to say I’m not clear and speak too fast.
    With intention and practice, I was able to somewhat overcome it.

    If you want we can connect and practice talking.

  6. There is a speech disorder called “cluttering.”

    There could be therapy for it if that’s what you have. Maybe do an internet search on it. Obviously there’s too little info here to really say, but just something to consider.

  7. I feel like I have similar problems. I suck at talking and terrible at explaining things. I tend to use as little words as possible and I have a hard time speaking eloquently for a long time, unless maybe it’s something I’m really passionate about . Idk if it’s anxiety or what it really sucks

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