When did you realise you completely stopped caring what anyone else thinks of you?

  1. When I realised how little they actually did. Really I don’t think people think about us as much as we believe they do

  2. I haven’t completely stopped and I hope I don’t, I have empathy and care about other people

  3. I just think of all the problems of the world, adding their own problems, am I that kind of special person to think about me? Lol

  4. When you finally get to know yourself. You realize who you are, and like it. It takes time to get there, I personally couldn’t have done it without support from a few loved ones accepting me for who I am.

  5. It hasn’t happened yet. I still care what my parents think of me, at least in some regards. And I care a lot about what my kids think about me. I’m 47.

    I think it happens in stages over the course of your life. You incrementally drop the opinions of people you care less about and then start to value more the people whose opinions really matter to you.

  6. After another burnout in my thirties… due to my job and the fact my boss was never satisfied with whatever I did and she even emailed me saying I wasn’t good enough. I am not « NOT GOOD ENOUGH » for you Isabelle I am actually MORE THAN ENOUGH, you’re the one who projected their insecurities on me.

  7. Idrk tbh….I never rlly cared abt what any1 (except my parents & maternal grandma) think of me

  8. After 35.

    And it’s probably when I started to feel my sexist. They seem to be related

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