Like I figure that you’re not going to convince someone to be attracted to you. Either they do or don’t. So might as well go for it?

  1. Give them your number instead. It gives them the agency to reach out to you if they’re interested on their terms.

  2. Never ask for a number right away.

    It’s not about convincing someone to be attracted, it’s about giving them a chance to be comfortable with you and for yourself to see what she brings to the table other than looks. As I’ve just written in another thread:

    Try to see it from her perspective: She has to make a split second decision about giving a stranger her number. A stranger she knows exactly nothing about, and who has just shown that her looks alone are enough for him to want to date her. She has no reason to assume you’re fun to be around, interesting or not just in it for a quick fuck. All she has to go off is one sentence. How likely do you think she’ll be to say “yes”?

    Approach her and chat, flirt, get to know her a little. It doesn’t have to be much, just enough to feel out if you get along at all. Five minutes of interesting conversation can be enough to decide you want to go on a date. Importantly, though: Those five minutes are *your* chance to judge if you actually like her as well. If you ask for her number right away, that means you’ve already decided you want to get to know her and it’s on her to allow that or reject you. Instead, give yourself a chance to reject her! As a side effect, this also de-stresses the situation for you: She’s no longer a hot girl you need to impress, but a person you might or might not like.

  3. Well it depends on the circumstance. If you’re out at a shop, store, event, beach, or something similar you might as well. 9/10 time you’re just better off asking for her number on the first encounter. Women know if they like you within a minute or less. Have a nice short conversation and keep it pushing.

    No point in playing the long game. If she offers to give you her snap/IG instead move on.

  4. Let her know your interested right away it lowers the chance of being put in the friend zone.

  5. Do it at the end, it’s not like you’re going to do anything with their number before you walk away anyway, what’s the rush? The more you socialize, the better chance you’ll have of connecting, and so the better chance of getting their number. Attraction is a lot more than just looks, and if that’s baffling, maybe you should ask for her number right away, a conversation about her looks probably isn’t going to help.

  6. Start a conversation and if we click then ask me out.

    Just chat and casually steer the conversation towards asking for their number. It’s more smooth and more natural that way.

    Depending on the conversation say something like this

    Our Physics and Maths exams are next week. we should study together! Let’s exchange numbers!

    Oh you went to this bar? You should take me there sometime! Let’s exchange numbers!

    (Before saying goodbye) It was lovely to meet you, we should hangout again sometime. Let’s exchange numbers? Goodbye

    Did you hear about that new movie? We should go see it sometime. Let’s exchange numbers. (I recently used this with a girl I met)

    Don’t ask right away if we haven’t built a connection yet.

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