I was a virgin before I started dating my boyfriend. We don’t have sex as often and have only done it 4 times.

I love being intimate with him but sex hurts so much and it doesn’t getting better. Just for context, we foreplay before doing it and I am completely wet but no matter what it hurts so much. We had sex yesterday and I had to stop him and take a break because I couldn’t tolerate the pain.

It’s the next day now and my vagina is still sore if I touch it and it’ll remain like this for the next few days. What can I do?

  1. Are you using condoms? Might you have a late allergy? Try latex free alternates

  2. This is not normal and you should go see a specialist, you might need pelvic floor therapy

  3. You’ve only had sex 4 times. Just be patient. It will get better. I think I probably had sex over 20 times before it completely stopped hurting.

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