After doing some introspection, I have come to the conclusion that I’m an attention seeker. I’m obsessed with getting attention and validation from other people, and this makes my personality extremely annoying and unlikable, because I unconsciously do things like bragging, talking about myself too much, etc., which obviously puts people off. This has led me to a very poor social life, which has made me very depressed.

Any advice is appreciated.

  1. Yeah.. stop thinking you are the main character in life, appreciate every day you get and know its only all about you to yourself.. appreciate the simple things in life you have when you wake up every day.. First thing that you are alive, breathing and lucky enough to experience life all by itself.. and even more lucky you lasted longer than children who got sick.. innocent people killed in accidents caused by others, diseases and viruses that if we do have a creator is a cruel addition, children starving without access to simple things like water, children who have nobody to depend on because their parents are drug addicts/abondoned them, children being abused by people they can only try and trust because they are helpless and rely on guidance from an adult. whatever the fuck you are doing is certainly nothing special.. look at life like a gift that can be taken away at any second.. or worse something you love taken away from you that takes the happiness and meaning away from your life..

    When you put yourself in others shoes your eyes will open wide and clear..

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