What are your parents heights and what’s your height, are you happy with your height, why or why not?

  1. My dad is 5’9 and my mom is 5’5, somehow I ended up 5’3 lol. I mean it’s fine, I’m 30 and I moved on from that insecurity a long time ago. Somedays I forget I’m short.

  2. 5’9″ and 5’1″. I’m just over 5’10”, and no, I’m not happy. I want to be 6’1″ or 6’2″.

  3. >What are your parents heights…

    Father: 6’4″ (193 cm)
    Mother: 5’8″ (172.5 cm)

    >… what’s your height,…

    I am: 6’3″ (190.5 cm)

    >… are you happy with your height,…


    >…why or why not?

    It’s not too tall as to be a hindrance, but tell enough to be helpful.

  4. My father is 5’4” and my mother is 5’2”. I’m 5’4” like my father, with just a tiny bit more of height. Not enough to qualify me for 5’5” haha
    I’m fine at my height, I was more concerned about going bald. Fortunately, neither my grandpa or dad have lost any hair and at 30, my hair is just as thick as it’s always been 😎

  5. Father 6’4” mother 5’4” im 6’6” and little brother is 6’2”

    Tbh I would much rather be my father or brothers height, 6’6” is mostly just a pain

  6. I’m the second shortest in my family at 5’6″

    Father- 6’0″

    Mum- 5’3″

    Older brother- 6’2″

    Younger brother 6’1″

    Younger sister 5’8″

  7. My dad is about 5’10 and my mom is about 5’3. I’m 5’8.

    I don’t care about my height. It’s quite comfortable. It comes with zero problems. I fit into everything because everything is made for people around my height. I can easily buy clothes off the rack and they fit perfectly. I’m in my mid thirties and have zero health issues while tall friends all have back problems. Objectively, there’s no downside.

    Now socially and in regards to women, it sucks. I’ve been given so much shit and have been insulted/rejected by women for not being tall enough a lot. And it hurt, killed my self-esteem and made me really bitter. Fortunately I’m over that nowadays, but it’s a really shitty experience.

  8. Moms taller than dad by an inch or two. Don’t remember exact heights. Both in the 5’9″ general category. I’m a touch over 6’1″. The height runs on my mom’s side of the family. On moms side there were 5 grandsons. I’m the shortest. On dad’s side there were also 5 grandsons. I’m the tallest. Height has never been an issue as it is what it is.

  9. My mom is like 5’6” and my dad was in the range of 5’7” – 6’1”. I’m 6’3”. Completely indifferent about it.

  10. Im the tallest with 5″6 feet. Never had any problem or conflict resulting from my height, like bullying or something like that.

    Dating Interaction with woman, my height had never been a problem either.

  11. 5’9”+5’6” and I’m 6’1”
    I’m 6’1” my wife was 5’3” and our son is 6’2” and our daughter is 5’5”

  12. dad is 6’4″ and my mom is 5’7″ I’m standing at 5’10”, god no I’m not happy with it. I’m the shortest guy in my family, immediate family and extended family included

  13. Dad is about 6ft tall. Mum was about 5f4 but she’s like 5ft2 now. I’m 5ft5 but I’m a girl. Mostly happy with my height but I occasionally feel huge and I hate that.

  14. My dad is 5’7 and my mom is a 4’11 and I ended up 5’6. I’m 26 years old and it took me a long time to become comfortable with it to be honest.

  15. 5’8 and 5’4. 5’6. Yes. Because what’s the point about whining about it?

    Seriously though, this height shit is getting ridiculous. The number of men whining about how being short is the worst death sentence ever is a little pathetic.

  16. 6’1” when he had me, service slowly wore his back out to around 5’11”. 5’8” for mom though she says 5’7” but is taller than my 5’7 partner. I stopped growing at 5’7 but with a car accident, I’m 5’5 now. I wish I were taller. my brother is 6’7” and my cousins 6’4” and 6’5”

  17. My parents are both about 5’10” I’m 6’2 the normal height for a man.

  18. Mom: 5’9”

    Dad: 6’4” (though more like 6’3” these days)

    Me: 6’2”

    I’m happy with my height, though I do sometimes wish I was taller than my old man so I could razz him about it, but I definitely would end up regretting that genie wish.

  19. Dad: 5’10

    Mom: 5’4

    My sister: 5’5

    Me: 6’5

    It’s alright. It’s nice that I don’t have to worry about being short.

  20. My mom was just about 5ft and my dad’s 5″8′. I’m 5″10, 11 on a good day.

    I’m content enough.

  21. Meters:

    Father: 1.8
    Mother: 1.67
    Me: 1.8

    I’m neither happy nor unhappy about it. It simply is. I don’t see why I should be either.

  22. My mom’s 5’2 and my dad’s 6’1. I’m 5’11 just pushing 6′. I’m not happy considering all my friends are 6’2 or taller. Tallest friend is 6’4

  23. I’m much taller than my parents. I don’t know how tall my dad was, but for some reason 5’6” is in my head. My mother is shorter than him. I’m 6 feet.

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