I’m living in Toronto and planning on a little NYC trip (and other cities). How are Aussies received in the states? I’m a big fan of Americans so I’m hoping it’s mutual 🙂

  1. Let me tell you a secret. Americans like visitors who aren’t condescending assholes regardless of where they come from. Yes we have our share of assholes but so does every country.

  2. Y’all are cool. The difference between Toronto and a major American city are going to be pretty small, so whatever reaction you receive there, it’s probably gonna be the same.

  3. We love aussies and fear them because they live among dangerous animals like drop bears

  4. Aside from that liking your accents and slang are well liked it depends on your behavior. Just don’t behave like Australian and European internet users do but since you said you like the States I doubt it’ll be an issue.

  5. I have never heard anyone here say bad things about Australians.

    NYC is an interesting case for visitors, though- enough people of different nationalities live here that just an accent might not be enough to mark you as a tourist. Like, I’ve had coworkers here from Switzerland, Peru, Zambia, Denmark and some other places.

  6. On average, Australians are probably the most liked foreign nationality (maybe Brits, but I’d give Aussies the edge.) Your accent is popular, you have (or at least appear to have in our pop culture) that sort of “individualist frontiersman” mentality that’s the same reason cowboys and astronauts and stuff are popular, you’re one of the only other countries that really *gets* how big the US is (no Aussie is going to think they can pop from DC to the Grand Canyon for a day trip, that’s like Sydney to Perth), and we had a bunch of “Australian” stuff in the 80s that was very popular, if not entirely accurate (Crocodile Dundee, Outback Steakhouse, etc.)

    You’ll have a good time – just be ready to hear an ungodly amount of “G’day mate” and “Shrimp on the barbie.”

  7. I’m not sure y’all grasp just how much good will Steve Irwin and Crocodile Dundee has bought you in the US

  8. Typically we love them and you will have a lot of luck with the opposite sex because you’re accents are pretty sexy and cute. Have a fun trip.

  9. Most Americans think of Australians as Texans but British and they love the idea of that stereotype, even if it’s not really accurate. You can thank Movies and TV shows like crocodile dundee and The Crocodile Hunter for that lol.

  10. We generally really like aussies, Brits, krauts, baguette people, and mostly everyone else. But Aussies especially

  11. Love Aussies. Every person I’ve met from Australia handled themselves well and was fun as hell to run with.. I hope to visit down there someday and witness an entire country full of Aussies.

  12. Yes, Americans like Aussies.

    Generally speaking, people in NY won’t really know if you’re a tourist or not from your accent alone so if you want them to talk about Australia with you, you might have to instigate.. Personally, I’d instigate but most probably won’t.

  13. How ya goin mate?! LA is simply crawling with Aussies. Come here and you’ll fit right in.

  14. Just don’t call us seppos ofc… Not all Americans are keen on banter.

  15. For the most part Aussies are well liked, especially when they aren’t on the internet. Just don’t say cunt and you shouldn’t have any issues. An Aussie I used to talk to was a know-it-all and absolutely insufferable, even moreso when they were wrong most of the time but couldn’t accept it. Please don’t do that either lol. But yes for the most part you’ll probably have people highly interested in your accent and whatever cool outback stories you might have.

  16. Americans honestly, besides the few bigots, love just about everyone and receive them with enthusiasm 🙂

  17. I probably consider Australians the most similar people to us besides Canadians. I like them a lot.

  18. Americans love Australians. However, NYC is diverse enough and with so many ethnic groups, immigrants, different cultures, that you might get less people interested in your background then if you went somewhere like Buffalo.

    That is to say, if anyone brings it up, they’ll think it is cool, but nobody will probably bring it up for anything more than saying, “cool accent.”

  19. Americans had a love affair with Australians in the late 90s and it spanned across a significant portion of our culture, from music to movies to food. We aren’t quite as into Aussie culture anymore but the fondness has never left. You should be quite well received.

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