Basically, me and my best friend (Bill) met up after a week of not talking or seeing each other

We walked and spoke for half an hour, then we went to a cafe, where we ordered two teas which I paid for

Whilst we were waiting for the teas to be made, Bill’s friend Bob, called him

Bill told Bob where we were, then Bob arrived outside with his car, at which point the teas were made, Bill then said to me “I’m going with Bob, he’ll drop you off home too” I then said “Don’t you think it’s rude, we haven’t seen each other in a week, you see Bob everyday, we’re both in a cafe and I was thinking we’d sit down and drink tea and chill, but as soon as Bob calls you, you just ditch me and go with him?” he started giving rubbish excuses like “I have a large social circle”

So we got into Bob’s car, I was dropped home, and Bill and Bob went on their merry way

I also heard Bill talking bad about me to Bob when he was getting in the car

This was last night, haven’t texted or spoken to Bill since

  1. Well, he’s not your best friend. Maybe he was, but he isn’t now. I mean, I would at least have said “hey, do you mind if Bob joins us?” or even offered for the three of you to hang out, not just “ok, you’re going home now”.

    I don’t think he’s a monster, but he was very rude, and it’s sadly time for you to lower his status in your mind, as difficult as that may be. Friendships wax and wane, and he’s pretty much openly telling you that you are of less importance to him than his other friends.

    Arguing with him or telling him off won’t do much. If you want, tell him again, when it’s not in the moment like that, that you’re hurt and thought it was really rude. But at that point I would work on letting him go as a close friend in your mind. It’s not worth the pain of investing in imbalanced friendships.

  2. You aren’t as close as you think, if he wanted to change the plan he could of invited you as well.

  3. Dude sorry to say this because this happen to me and it took that happening to realize this. Bill isn’t your friend. Like you said to him you haven’t seen him in a week but bob and him hang out everyday? Yea you’re a placeholder friend. Been there and the best thing to do is just leave him be. He let you know where y’all friendship stand. best thing to do is to enjoy the memories y’all made and move on.

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