serious question, i’m genuinely trying to understand. i’m not saying all men do this, but the ones who have, what was the thought process? or maybe you’ve seen your friends do it and you understand their reasons?

(also not saying women don’t do that, i just have never dated women so i’m specifically looking for men’s insight)

  1. One of my friends who openly cheated on his long time gf told me “My heart belongs to one, but my penis belongs to all”.

  2. There’s really only one reason…you know this.

    If you don’t like it (you shouldn’t), then you should text-flirt with other men to see how it makes him feel.

  3. *honest answer that will make me sound like a total douche but is the actual truth* – If it’s NOT just straight up cheating, I’m probably setting up a back-up plan / future plan because the relationship is going south or I’m losing interest and thinking about leaving but first i wanna kinda test the waters and see how i could do and if someone else actually makes me happier or not.

  4. Because for most men, even those in an exclusive relationship, it’s pretty rare to get attention or any kind of romantic interest from someone. So when a woman is interested and affectionate, it’s difficult not to respond to that attention. In most cases it’s not anything serious, it’s just nice to feel desired.

  5. they think it’s harmless fun and it boosts their ego, i assume it’s the same for women

  6. Not cheating, as we’re not together, but i am actively seeking attention of other women while being comforted by another.

    Long story short, haven’t pulled the trigger on a relationship because the women I’m seeing do not meet the qualities i am looking for in a wife or a mother. They aren’t the ones i want to spend my life with, so while they may provide fun company for the time being, I’m keeping my options open. I do still see them because we’re both consenting adults and have emotional and physical needs. If it starts getting hard for either of us, either of us can leave.

  7. Usually it’s because he isn’t being shown attention at home. Then when he brings attention to that, he is ignored or shot down. His partner may shuts down instead of working on the issue with him. Humans are social creatures that crave attention. So when he wants attention and is denied it by his girl then he takes it very hard…and it affects his pride as well. After feeling lonely for a while and all of a sudden a female is showing him attention, he wats it up. At first it is innocent. But it can quickly and easily turn into much more (romantic).

    ^My fiancée says this^

  8. Idk boredom. Also flirting is a very broad term.

    But yeah when it was straight up cheating it was just horny for some strange poon.

    If you ever found yourself questioning why a guy is doing anything always check if it’s related to sex, then food then boredom. Usually it’s one of those. Sometimes they don’t even know why

  9. I know a guy who text flirted with a fake model on Instagram. I guess his girlfriend found out about it somehow? And she didn’t break up with him also. I don’t know what’s worse, the poor attempt at cheating, or the level of stupidity…. Probably the stupidity of it.

    Yeah, some people are dumb

  10. Simply put, it’s an attention thing.

    So, women, naturally get more attention then men it’s safe to say. When a man is in a relationship and begins the dangerous game of text flirting it’s because of the attention he’s getting. It’s not to say that he will cheat (although it’s possible), but it’s a thing about getting attention from another woman whom he finds somewhat attraction.

    I speak from experience. So, Stay strong Queen or, Stay strong King.

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