So I (19F) had a one night stand last night. I met the guy in the club and to be 100% frank, I did it mostly to boost my own ego. I didn’t actually like him and barely found him sexually attractive. I liked the attention and our interaction. It’s kinda pathetic but oh my god I haven’t had action for a long time.

So when we were having sex, it wasn’t horrible, it was mediocre. The problem was, I kept imagining a different person like a celebrity crush and I was mostly focusing on the pleasure happening instead of the actual person. I honestly think sex is the best when there is true chemistry and emotional connection which I’ve never even had. My relationship with my ex was a huge miss and while I liked him a lot, I never really loved him or felt what I was supposed to feel during sex.

Now last night, this guy was nice, he was respectful, there wasn’t any awkwardness or anything like that. But I couldn’t stop but feel like I’d just been using him to 1. boost my ego, 2. get more sexual experience, 3. I was bored out of my mind in the romantic department. I haven’t had any dating experiences since summer because I’ve been preoccupied with college. If I wanted to get true sexual pleasure I could’ve just used my vibrator lol.

Is this normal for a one night stand? Any other girls, or even guys who feel like they’re pretending to enjoy it? It doesn’t necessarily mean I’m NOT enjoying it, but it feels like I’m just playing a role. If that makes sense.

  1. Honestly sometimes with hook ups it can be like that. There isn’t much connection if you don’t know them.

    There’s been some where I was like.. what am I doing. Am I even enjoying this.

    So glad I have a stable partner and won’t need to do hook ups again.

  2. >Any other girls, or even guys who feel like they’re pretending to enjoy it?

    Surely there are. But I’ve never. I don’t see the point of it?

    Women can get plenty of attention and ego boosting by posting like one nude on Reddit. I don’t see the need to endure a whole ordeal of sex where I have to pretend to enjoy it.

    I’ve been to someone’s house for a hookup but I just didn’t feel the chemistry. So I left before anything happened. No incentive to have sex when I don’t want it.

    After that, it took me two months of active searching to find a great fwb with excellent chemistry and strong sexual attraction and it comes with true sexual pleasure. It was worth it and time well spent.

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