I need braces to straighten my teeth out more (moreso the bottom, my top are actually good except for the molars so my smile is actually good) but I feel like it would negatively affect my appearance at my age. I’m in the prime of my youth and I dont know if braces would also lower my chances of getting in a relationship. I’d also hate to see myself in braces on pictures. I could try invisilign but its so much more expensive. Maybe I could just do ceramic on top and metal on the bottom but idk. Should of fucking gotten then 10 years ago. My teeth were not straight then either. I guess my dentists were just incompetent because they said I didn’t need them. Now I need to deal with bullshit that I shouldnt have to deal with in the first place.

  1. You’ll be thankful in the long term. Invisalign is a bunch more expensive, but if you’re that worried about the look you should take the leap after saving for it. Many people will probably tell you that braces are way less of a turn off than fucked up teeth. Fix em!

  2. You can get them on the inside of your teeth so that you wont look like a middle schooler. Only downsides are the cost and the occasional cut on your tongue.

  3. I had braces from 24 to 26 just to make the most of my dental plan, it’s totally fine and girls don’t care. It was worth it.

  4. Are you getting into relationships frequently at this point? If not then getting braces wouldn’t change your chances.

  5. you need to do what feels right for you. don’t force yourself.

    but remember, there’s a difference between aesthetic and medical choices. i don’t like getting prostate exams, colonoscopies, or dental cleanings, but i do them because it’s good for me.

    you have to decide what’s best for you not just appearance-wise, but also medically. if it benefits you in both ways, well….that might be something you need to consider seriously. just it being a medical benefit should make you consider it strongly, you know?

    sometimes we need to endure a little to get what we want. i was freaked out by Lasik, but i wanted the result badly enough to go through the unnerving process.

  6. Dude, bite the bullet for the what 18 to 24 months?

    The bitch will be explaining to people why you need to wear a retainer at night after the braces.

  7. >I’m in the prime of my youth and I don’t know if braces would also lower my chances of getting in a relationship.

    Getting braces will lower your chances of getting dates with women, especially attractive ones. However, a lot of guys your age can’t get dates anyway. Might as well bite the bullet now. Start working on your body, your money, and your jawline now so that you can capitalize on all three in your early 30s.

    I’m not saying give up on trying to find a relationship until after the braces come off, but accept that while they have significant long-term benefits on your dating life, in the short term (next 2-3 years), they’re going to be a dealbreaker for women you’d actually want to date. Early 20s is ***their*** prime of youth and they’re not going to settle.

  8. Just do it, no one really gives a shit about your appearance as much as you think.

  9. Fucking do it now. I’m 45 and have to get Invisalign. The longer you wait the worse it’s gonna be.

  10. Your health is way above your looks. Get them, you won’t wear them forever and when it’s done, you got a pretty and solid smile.

  11. I feel like at 22 you shouldn’t care how they impact your appearance… Especially if they’re medically necessary.

    I mean, if you’re doing it purely for cosmetic reasons then I guess your worries make sense… But still, live your life and stop caring what random strangers think. Also, the irony of that statement is not lost on me.

  12. A buddy of mine got braces at 28, and he still did decent with dating. But he’s also jacked and makes a lot of money, so there’s that.

    Also, consider 22 isn’t the prime age for a man, you should be building a solid foundation for yourself at that age. That includes health, finances, skills, and aesthetics. Get the braces, you don’t want fucked up teeth as you get older…or ever really.

  13. Do it, and look at it as a smart investment on yourself. Especially since there’s more than esthetic reasons for it.

    This is not highschool, and nobody will care or make jokes about your braces.

  14. Suffer now, then live the rest of your life as a champion. You’ll regret it if you don’t, I’m 33 now and wish I had gotten braces when I was your age. I should have just done it lol trust me, you’ll stop caring what people think as you get older.

  15. I had braces when I was younger and then I ended up damaging a bunch of teeth later in accidents/sports.

    Definitely put the money and care into your teeth. I have a little shifting due to the damage I caused and I’m going in for Invisalign because it’s not that bad to require another set of braces, and the fact that a bunch of my teeth have crowns which would make regular braces a pain in the half.

    I’ll likely need a bunch of implants and additional crowns when I reach my 50’s due to the damage I took. Shit is fucking expensive, but I have coverage and payouts from the incidents. One day I went from a single cavity after 13 years, to my front 4 teeth chipped in half. Then a few years later, knocking loose teeth on both sides of my mouth which required splinting, and eventually some of those died from the trauma. Fucking sucks that I took care of my teeth and ended up getting hurt, but again, if you can afford to, take care of them.

  16. I’m doing Invisalign in my 30s. Get braces and keep wearing the retainer afterwards.

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