How did it feel like when you first fell in love?

  1. When I met my husband and experienced true love for the first time, it was like everything coming up to that point finally made sense. It was consistent and safe and heavy but in a good way. It was genuine and natural. Truly like I had found my missing puzzle piece.

  2. I met my husband when I was going through an abusive relationship. He stood up for me along with one of his friends when my ex made a scene at my work place before I clocked in for work. My husband said he knew he wanted to marry me and loved me the moment he laid eyes on me but kept it to himself until the time was right which took 3 years. It took me another 2 months after that into us dating that I knew I loved him and wanted to marry him. One day, I just had that moment and feeling that washed over me where I just knew. Around that same time is when my husband asked both my parents for permission to marry me and then 2 months later, he proposed. When you know, you know.

  3. When I fell in love with my ex, i was really missing him and he sent this sweet song that reminded him of me. I listened to it and just felt thos overwhelming rush of a feeling from toes up to my head. I literally remember thinking “holy *crap* what am I feeling??? Am I ok?? This is so intense?” And 2 seconds later I realized I was in love with him. Luckily I got to see him a week later and I doubt that’s been the experience of others, but i genuinely felt this encompassing *rush* of warmth and happiness and just *love*. It’s truly the most fantastic thing I’ve ever felt.

    I haven’t fallen in love with anyone else but that was my experience, I do not think its incredibly common

  4. When I fell in love with my partner, it felt easy. We confessed our feelings on the same night and decided we wanted to be a couple. It never felt forced or like it was just us trying to make it work, it was just natural and happy and felt right.

    It also felt amazing. Best feeling in the world

  5. Like I had discovered sunshine for the first time, if that makes sense. Every love after that has felt like some variation of it. All unique, but invoking the same part of me.

  6. Safe. Warm. It’s looking into someone’s eyes and feeling at peace. Trusting that they will be there for you.

  7. Not sure if it was just the rush of things but when I fell in love with my first girlfriend, it was so magical and nostalgic? i’m not sure to how to explain it. We’ve been best friends for years before we got together and everything just seemed more enjoyable. Because of covid we didn’t go outside a lot but I’d catch myself thinking of her every time I woke up in the morning, wondering if she’s still sleeping or what to get her as a gift. It just felt so unreal, like I could finally just be myself without being judged for it

  8. I’m 23 and still haven’t ever “fallen in love” with any romantic partner. And the older I get, the more I find myself content with that never happening. I’ve never dated anybody before either with absolutely no plan anytime soon. I’m sure it’s a lovely feeling and I’ll probably find myself wondering how I lived without it if it ever happens. In the meantime though, I’ve been doing a lot of solo traveling. It’s been making me fall in love with myself a lot and the world around me. Seeing the sunset over Lisbon, jumping into crystal blue water in Croatia, walking in Shanghai alone at night…I think I’ve been falling in love with something else entirely!

  9. I actually got “lovesick” when I first met my husband. It was the first time I had ever experienced it. I could barely eat anything for a couple of weeks. Other than that it’s the most amazing feeling of warmth and safety and happiness.

  10. Scary but in a good way, like before going on a solo international trip or starting a new job that you’ve always wanted. I always avoided feelings and commitments and letting it happen and not running away was a new experience.

    It also felt like it was were I belonged, all safe and cozy.

  11. Seeing an imperfect person as perfect. My love is full of mistakes and flaws, but I cannot imagine anyone else to go through life with.

  12. Just giddy. So happy and excited. Safe and cozy. Just wanted to hold him and look at him, spend all day doing nothing but it still just being the best day ever. Just a constant feeling of “I’m so lucky, what did I do to deserve this?”

    I miss it sometimes.

  13. At first I was *horrified*.

    Love was ugly to me. It was abusive. It was selfish and dehumanizing. That’s all I knew of love. So when I figured it out, I freaked out. I thought I would wind up like my flesh oven, using and sucking the life out of my bf and chaining him to me with manipulation and abuse.

    So I did what anyone else would do: I went into denial.

    That worked for like…6 weeks maybe?

    He said it to me first and I freaked out and had a meltdown. I just kept thinking we were going to destroy each other and wind up hating each other, exactly like my parents.

    We’re fine now, and still together. We worked through it, and we actually have a healthy relationship. I know everyone else has such wonderful stories about warm and fuzzy feelings but I felt the exact opposite.

  14. Like someone else said, it likes everything suddenly made sense when I met my husband. No giddy feeling, wondering if THIS is finally my life partner. The feeling was more like, Oh, so THATS who it is that I’m supposed to spend my life with. A very comforting, calm, AHA moment. And mind you, I felt this on my first date. I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt on out first date that he would be my husband. There was no thinking of “well, he would be PERFECT if xxxx.” He WAS absolutely perfect. And I instinctively knew we would be married, ms I knew this on her first date. I was 26 and he was 30. As you’ve probably figured out, dating gets harder the older you get. But this was easy, comfortable. We were engaged 5 months later. Married 25 years now. He’s a good man and a good father, and call me corny but I truly felt like God put us together.

  15. Amazing, felt like I’d discovered the meaning of life, I was also way more driven.

    I had to say that phrase, now I’ve gotta listen to the Disturbed song.

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