I met this boy on the bus on our way to school and we found out we shared a class together. He’s a year older than me, 20 right now, and I am almost 19. Apparently he didn’t have any friends on campus and is kind of a shy guy. Fast forward to the future, I’ve assimilated him into my friend group and he is so much happier than he was before. After a few months of us knowing each other, he confessed to me. I made it clear that I wanted to be friends only for now.

He’s amazing, he really is. Super kind, smart, and caring, always texting me every day. My problem is that I’m not sure I’m quite *attracted* to him. And I feel terrible to say such a thing. He has a heart of gold, but can be quiet and awkward sometimes, and I’m a fairly quiet person as well. I feel like I do a majority of the talking whenever we’re together, and he isn’t exactly physically attractive in my opinion, but he’s not bad looking either. My friends have told me I can do better.

I’ve met his family and they’re great people. We always go on little adventures together and I would hate to lose the closeness that we have. I just am not sure if I would like it to be romantic. He always makes it slightly awkward whenever he’s clearly trying to hold my hand.

I really would like a guy who can tell stories and is super outgoing, but otherwise he has the other traits I’m looking for. What should I do? Take a chance on him, or keep looking?

TL;DR I (18F) have been friends with this guy (20M) and I am pondering of whether or not we should start a relationship due to “attractiveness” both physical and personality-wise.

1 comment
  1. Personally I never used to believe in ‘love at first sight’ until I met my husband. I knew instantly that we were meant to be together and if you’re not feeling that when you’re with him then I personally don’t think he’s your soulmate and you both still have someone out there who would be perfect for you. Wait for that person and just remain friends

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