In what way do you allow yourself to be selfish?

  1. Im selfish about my food.
    Im a very picky eater, to the point i can get nauseous if i eat the wrong way, the wrong typa food etc. and so im very selfish regarding foods, im aware of my family’s wishes and i try to not make my pickiness a problem but most of the time i have to have what i eat otherwise its a bad day for everyone when i get sick on them. And i hate it but its just the thing i HAVE to be selfish over. And my music, my music is my baby and if you change it i will fight you.

  2. Honestly most of them. I’m pretty done with running myself ragged trying to make sure everyone else is happy and comfy at my own expense.

  3. With my time and energy. Sometimes, I just don’t have the time or energy for others. I just need to recharge. I don’t feel guilty about it either, or otherwise I would burn out.

  4. I buy myself really good scalp scrub type shampoo and only bring it out of its hiding spot when it’s hair wash day. I live with 3 other people, and they often have guests stay over. I’m not about to let everyone use it up.

  5. My skincare routine. I don’t care how pressed for time I am, I look forward to it all day (I do morning and night) and my skin has never looked better—total body, too (i never realized how smooth my skin could get!).

    I spend some money on it, but it’s more the time investment.

  6. I once read that women will prioritize others to the point that they rush around and don’t even take bathroom breaks when they need to, so now I’m more conscious of listening to what I need and others can wait

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