Watching all these Vegas shorts. What is the best story of Vegas have you heard?

  1. I was conceived there. My parents lived there for 3 months before moving back to Canada and having me. Does that make me American?

  2. This fellow named Mr. House hired a guy named Benny to kill me for a poker chip. It didn’t go as well as they intended.

  3. I met the Pussycat dolls there once. My ex met these women at this bar – I think was club orange or something. They tell us to come outside: huge limo takes us to this other club where there’s this huge line. We skip the line, they let us into the VP area, and we meet the Pussycat Dolls. We hang out for about an hour, we leave and go back to the cheap ass hotel on Fremont Street we were staying at.

    It was probably the weirdest, most abrupt experience I’ve ever had in my life. This was back in 2010.

  4. Oh shit. Former Vegas Casino security here. We had one guy named Steven Min (Minh?) who is a low level con man and s*xual harassment deviant. We got a call one night saying he was at the main cage, and since he’s blacklisted by gaming control, we went to go tell him to eff off. He didn’t want to eff off so I told him to put his hands behind his back for me. He didn’t wanna do that either, so me and a few other guys get his right hand cuffed and then his left hand. Then I realized he’s still swinging at people and looked down. His prosthetic left hand was still in the cuff. They didn’t teach me this kind of thing in new hire training, so I pulled out the prosthetic and hooked his real right hand to his belt loop and we start dragging him off to holding to wait for Metro. Dude suddenly feels a little less draggy and my buddy points out that both of his prosthetic legs are on the ground a few feet behind us. By now everyone involved hates whatever awful life decisions have led us to this point and we call for a wheelchair. We hook him up to the wheelchair by his right hand and opt to just hold his left arm down on the arm rest, we get him to holding and he’s still yelling at us but not fighting, so we get him hooked to the bench and wait for Metro. After handing him to the police we realized that his detached limbs were still on the casino floor so we sent the newest guard to go get them. Holy shit that was a night to remember! I also have some pretty tragic stories, but this one is definitely the craziest.

  5. How one of the entrances to the tunnel city under the Strip came to be known as Celine Dion’s pussy.

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