Hi y’all. So I (23M) work at a small book store. I had a situation today where I was running my area of the bookshop, and a girl (20’s F) walked in. I asked if she needed any help finding anything, and we got to talking about some books she was interested in. She made some recommendations, we joked around a bit, she told me that it was “so nice to talk to someone who has read and enjoyed the books she loves”. She also said she was killing time here and didn’t have much going on. I had lunch soon, so I was thinking about mentioning that and potentially inviting her for lunch (I get an hour long lunch break). Would that have been appropriate? I enjoyed talking to her and would have liked to continue, but I didn’t want to be “that guy”. I’ve got Aspergers, so it can be difficult for me to read these sorts of situations. What do y’all think?

Edited to remove unintended ableist language

1 comment
  1. Functioning labels are abelist we dont use them anymore, feel free to google why or keep being abelist your choice.

    I think that would have been appropriate. It depends on how you handle the rejection if it happens. But sometimes people meet and really hit it off and have an impromptu date. As long as you accept a no if it happens and read between the lines, because neurotypicals love to be vague, then it should be acceptable.

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