Asking as a 30f … do you get bored of casual sex and want to settle down ?

  1. Honestly yes. It get repetitive and just losing its spark you know? Waiting for the girl that gives me that spark back

  2. Yeah, it feels so shallow and can also be uncomfortable, physically and mentally. I remember how crazy good just plain old sex was when I was in love. Can’t imagine how amazing it can be now that I know my own body and my kinks etc. Just waiting for that someone to give me that feeling again (and reciprocates it of course lol)

  3. Most guys I know myself included can’t just go out and find casual sex at will .. Sure it likely will happen if you give us 12 months, but ask us to get laid this months and .. yeah .. Not likely.


    Thus I and most other are primary looking to settle down.


    But I suspect we’re not the guys you’re talking about 😀

    Also I suspect there aren’t all that many of such guys on the dating subs, so I’d imagine that the feedback you’re going to get here is pretty useless to you. I’m guessing a shit load of guys ready to settle down!

  4. Yes. I’m (34m) so tired of casual sex. It’s really weird since this is the first time in my life I legitimately am not interested in it in the least. Just want to find my person

  5. Yes. I used to love the no strings attached life style, but realized I was wasting my time on men that don’t care about anything other than my body. Which eventually caused a decline in my mental health and to this day I get insecure while dating because I now don’t understand if a guy likes me for me or just my body.

  6. I’ve been having causal sex for a year now after a 12 year relationship. Recently, I started to crave more intimacy and desiring a partner that I can enjoy more things with and can get closer to. I think I am okay to continue casual sex for another year or so but I can definitely see how this can get old. Although the sex is great and I love the spontaneity that comes with it sometimes, casual sex alone can’t full fill all of my needs.

  7. I don’t do casual sex. Intimate things like that, without any real connection is meaningless to me and not worth the effort. I need someone and something real.

    Settle down? Nah, i want a partner to share some of my life with. Do we stick together till the end? Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.

  8. No, not at all. And it’s something enjoyable while searching for your person.

    I know I’m fortunate that having long and shorter term relationships with women have never been that difficult for me.

    But as an answer to your question, no, I rather enjoy casual dating and what usually comes with it.

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