Which one is the most realistic, why?

  1. I’m tall so most people see my face from a different angle than I do, same with photos. But in a mirror I’m looking directly at myself so its definitely a bit different.

  2. Yes. It has to do with the perspective of the object detecting the light rays bouncing off of yourself.

  3. No I look the same because I never use selfie mode on my phone, I always use the mirror lmao

  4. There is a very simple reason why people look different in the mirror. Because it’s mirrored. The version you see in pictures is how everybody else sees you.

  5. The optics of cameras and lenses cause changes in perspective. This is why it’s so damn hard to take pictures of some things and have them turn out the same as what you’re seeing (mountains in the distance, for example).

  6. Faces are generally not perfectly symmetrical. We become accustomed to how our faces look in the mirror so that when we see a photo where the asymmetries are reversed it looks off.

    Additionally, camera lenses can have some distorting properties that aren’t very flattering.

  7. I’m not very photogenic. Like my last bumble date goes “oh wow! You’re way more attractive in person. I was on the fence about swiping you”

    I wish I would have been like oh so that’s why only ugly chicks are matching with me?! But I wasn’t quick enough and just was like yeah I’m pretty handsome

  8. I do for some reason I look better in person than I do in pictures. I don’t know why, and mirrors are tricky cuz some make you look bigger or skinnier than you actually are

  9. My eyes have much better resolution than my phone’s camera. Not to mention the mirror is showing light bouncing off an object where the picture is a digital interpretation of light hitting a sensor.

  10. Yes, you kook different in a photo than in a mirror and the photo is how you appear to everyone else. The reason has very little to do with camera lenses or lighting. The reason is that left and right are reversed in a mirror image.

    Part your hair to one side then look in a mirror and ask youself if the person you see in the mirror parts his/her hair on the left or right side. Your hair in a photo, and in real life, will be parted on the opposite side.

  11. I look hideous in phone pictures. Like, to the point that I find them distressing to look at.

  12. Yes absolutely, because I suck at making selfies and always look like a retard in them.

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