At this point I’m exhausted, idk why I can’t get a hold of girlfriend. I’m good with girls and have few best friends. But nothing is happening man. Like what’s the initial stage, what should I do.

How tf I could get someone in my life

  1. idk man I just did my own thing and was chill about it and she was into me

  2. Physical attraction is what makes every girl come your way and you character makes them to stay so.. that’s question for you

  3. I can identify myself in your post, exhausted by trying to figure out how to get a girlfriend.

    I ended up figuring it out through trial and error, but it took me years. I am engaged today and happier than ever.

    Allow me to give you a few tips.

    First of all, dating is a numbers game (unfortunately). The more women you meet and date, the higher your chances of getting a meaningful connection.

    It is essential to get that connection to get her to want to stick around.

    You might be wondering: ” How can I create a meaningful connection?”

    Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

    In the book *Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion* by Robert B. Cialdini PH.D, the author spends an entire chapter describing why we like certain people and dislike others.

    He talks about physical appearance (yes looks does matter, even though it is not the most important one)

    Most importantly, he talks about similarities and cooperation toward a common goal.

    Let’s start with similarities.

    We tend to gravitate around like minded people. Ask women you date open-ended questions to get to know them and point out the similarities you find (avoid making things up, because authenticity is super important).

    Then cooperation toward a common goal.

    This is the best way to establish a great connection. The easiest way to use this is by planning activity dates that will require teamwork (An escape room would be a great example.)

    I want to end with a quote: “If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got” – Henry Ford.

    Good luck!


  4. Have a clear idea of the type of woman you’d like to meet and screen the women you do meet to ensure they align with this. Don’t be afraid to show your romantic interest and escalate on dates as this will help avoid the friendzone and also depict that you’re confident and assertive.

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