Ladies, at what age would you let your kids date someone?

  1. Young (13 or 14). The younger they start dating the less awkward they are in relationships when it starts to matter.

    Edit: not to mention that at 13 it’s easier to supervise the date. Much harder when they are older.

  2. My daughter started when she was 12. I took them to the restaurant and waited in the car. We have open communication, so she shares her issues and concerns with me. We talked and I’ve been able to help her identify and navigate controlling and manipulative behavior. I wasn’t allowed until I was 18. I missed a lot of learning opportunities.

  3. I am not *letting* my kid date anyone. They either want to or they don’t, and I’m not going to oppose it, because that’s not safe. I am going to be open-minded and supportive, and ensure that my child knows boundaries, bodily autonomy, and safe sex. And I am going to do my damnedest to be a safe place to confide in – the good and the bad.

    There will of course be rules for various ages. I’m not letting a 13-year-old stay out all night, and I’m not letting a 15-year-old date a 19-year-old.

  4. Honestly, I don’t think I would set an age limit at all, given that the person they want to date is kind and age appropriate. Like, if a 6 year old wants to hold hands with another 6 year old at recess and say they’re dating, what’s the problem? Would I take that relationship as seriously as 2 16 year olds? No, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real/important to the 6 year olds right now.

    I didn’t have my first crush until I was 12, so that would have been the ideal age for me to start dating. And with dating, I mean I would have wanted my crush to go with me to one of the middle school dances and hold my hand in the hallway.

    It’s always seemed weird to me when parents (usually dads with daughters) forbid dating until they’re 18 or 21, or whatever age they deem “acceptable,” because it seems like that kid will still date if they want to, just secretly. And if something bad happens, they won’t feel comfortable going to their parents for help for fear of getting in trouble.

  5. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I would let them whenever they want to as long as it’s age appropriate. There’s kids in kindergarten who come home and tell their parents they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but at that age, it usually just means they are very good friends and get along well, and maybe they hold hands. That’s totally fine and it’s really good for their social skills. It’s important to be able to express care and admiration for others and learn what’s appropriate and what’s not.

  6. When they start showing interest in it I guess? If they wanted to call someone their boy/girlfriend when they’re 6 years old, go for it. I’m still going to be supervising them on any social outings at that age anyway and it’s probably no different to a friendship.

  7. I don’t think you can realistically stop kids from forming relationships without doing more harm than good at any age really.

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