As someone who struggles to sleep and find time to myself, I’m constantly battling around how much time do I put towards distressing and catch up on things and getting to be early. On the weekdays I tend to go to bed around 10pm mainly because the wife goes bed around then. Ideally, I would go to bed later so I can catch up on things.

  1. midnight-1am ish. My other half goes to sleep anywhere between half 9 and 10, so I tuck her in and get a few hours to myself.

  2. One of the reasons I’m a long-term singleton is that I’m basically nocturnal and have been for a long time; I normally go to sleep at around 5 in the morning.

    If I don’t spend time destressing I won’t sleep anyway, so going to bed just because someone has would just leave me tossing and turning and waking them up…

  3. 9. About an hour after putting the kids to bed. Usually too tired to stay up much later.

  4. Me and my girlfriend typically go anywhere between 9pm – 10pm on weekdays. And usually between 10pm – 12am on weekends.

    I used to work unsociable hours and be in bed for 7pm. All I ever wanted was to be able to go to bed later and now I simply can’t hack it

  5. I tend to feel worse if I get more sleep. Usually retire at around midnight and rise at about 5.30 am.

  6. On weeknights around 11.30. Wake up at 7.30 and get up at 8…so I usually get about 7 hours sleep. Takes me an hour or so to get to sleep no matter if I read, meditate, breath work, or just read stuff on my phone…nothing makes any difference. I also have a soft limit of about midnight where my body decides it wants to sleep as well. So if I went to bed at 9.30 I’d be tossing and turning and getting too hot for a couple hours. Obvs I get days every now and then where this isn’t the case and I fall asleep super early but it’s rare.

    Weekends are about the same but maybe go to bed a bit later. Can’t sleep past 7.30 but if I’ve nothing to do I might laze around until 8.30-9. Im not really a morning person despite years of trying, I’ve accepted that now.

  7. Usually 12-2 on a work night, 1-4 on a day off. I wish my job did nightshifts, it would suit me down to the ground

  8. Usually at 12 midnight, but have been known to get engrossed in a computer game, or TV series, and suddenly i’s 3 AM!

  9. Anywhere from 10 until 12 every day, I have a flexible start time for work, anywhere from half 7 until 10 am. Plus, I work from home 2 or 3 days a week.

  10. 8.30pm. Asleep by 9pm. I live in a small indigenous village in the highlands of Guatemala. There’s not really much to do here late at night, and the mornings are beautiful.

  11. Honestly too late.

    I need to be awake for 8am at the latest yet it is often gone 1am when I get to bed. Then I wonder why I am tired.

  12. If I didn’t have a job or a partner, I’d probably do 11.30pm on a weekday.

    But I have both, so somewhere between 9.30 and 10pm. I hate having to get ready for bed quietly/in the dark so I usually match his schedule.

    On a weekend – 1am at least.

  13. When I start getting sleepy, usually sometime between 2pm and 4 am.

    (OK, 2pm is a nap rather than going to bed, usually around midnight)

  14. 10pm, and read till 10.30-11.30pm depending on how tired I am/good the book is.

    If I’m shattered, I’ll go to bed as early as 8pm. I find it’s better to listen to my body’s needs.

  15. Anywhere between 10&1, and wake up anywhere between 8&10.

    Obvs there’s exceptions, but we both primarily WFH and have “flexible” start times

  16. Normally any time between 1-2am. Sometimes I may have an earlier night, and sometimes it’s ridiculously late/early depending on how you look at it.

  17. Do you have to go to bed at the same time? I usually go to bed around 10 or 10.30, and have a read until about 11. Himself stays up ’till about 12.30 or near 2 at the weekends. Works for us! We both get a bit of time to ourselves and nobody is going to bed at a time they don’t feel like.

    We’ve done it for so long that it’d feel weird to go to bed at the same time now.

  18. It doesn’t matter what time other people go to bed you need to find what time is good for you and stick with it.

  19. Ha, you’ve touched on a topic that is hot on the agenda in my household at the moment.

    I wake up at 06:15 most days and I run or bike pretty much every day (plus work), so I’m always exhausted by 22:00. My wife is so lovely that she agrees to go to bed then, even though she’s a bit of a night owl and later riser in the morning. I really appreciate it, especially as it cuts her day a bit short when she still has energy to do more – and I think we’d both hate it if we went to bed separately.

    The only trouble is, that’s only when we go to bed *in theory.* In practice, there begins a 90-minute process of silliness, inane chatting, bathroom protocols (mine: 8-10mins, hers: 30-40mins), taking vitamins, a cuddle, then a cuddle in an alternate position, and then ultimately the decision to adopt an out-of-cuddle sleeping position to actually drift off, usually at about 23:30.

    I don’t think we can start going to bed at 20:30 in a bid to sleep closer to 22:00, but nor am I loving the 6-6.5hrs per night of sleep…

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