I and my boyfriend are in a Long distance relationship, and I love him very much. We’ve not had sex, but we plan to have sex when next we see each other. We both have very sexual sides, and personally, I have a lot of sexual fantasies. Despite all these, I get shy and self-conscious when I do Face time with him. I act so shy that he’s scared that I’m going to reject him when he makes moves on me.
I think I’m self conscious because I’m on the chubby side and I don’t consider myself very attractive but bf doesn’t know this.
How do I overcome my self-esteem, self-consciousness and shyness issues? I don’t want it to affect my relationship.

1 comment
  1. Honestly? Pretend. Act like you’re the most confident, seductive, most gorgeous woman in the world.. just role-play. After a little bit, your brain won’t know the difference. Plus, you’ll attract so much wanted/positive attention that it will reinforce the confidence and turn into a really lovely cycle

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