I’ve been working at a hotel for about a year, and I sit here any night I am alone with my chest heavy unable to focus on anything in my downtime except who is going to come in next.

I’m horrified of deterring men away from hitting on me, I’m horrified of people yelling at me about prices, I’m horrified of whatever they’re coming to complain about, rational or not, I’m horrified of making people wait when I have to handle something elsewhere.

75% of them are pleasant, normally I can help like 20% of the less pleasant ones, but that 5% there is no answer for them, or the answer is that they aggressively want my number….

Dealing with them isn’t the problem, that’s for my employer, but how do I calm myself down. I’m absolutely miserable in anticipation of uncomfortable situations and it’s draining.

  1. Make them more afraid of you than you are of them, in a sense. They won’t remember you past their time there, unless you make an outrageously out of place mistake. They have minds like yours, everyone suffers with some form of social anxiety and if you remember to act in a way that portrays self respect and intelligence, plenty of men will avoid hitting on you in your place of work.

    With men, a main thing is often respect. The energy you put of, your choice in words, and the way you look can all be factors in how much they respect you. Now, you don’t owe them anything, but the easiest way to avoid being hit on is to act assertive and professional. Or get a pride pin. Or a scary tattoo. Choices, choices.

  2. Wear a wedding ring and photoshop a picture of yourself in a wedding dress next to the most masculine navy seal you can find. Put it on the counter. Should solve both problems. Let “toxic masculinity” work FOR you. 😉

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