I actually worked in the service industry as a server/waiter when I was in college and definitely expected tips. At least 15%-20% was preferred of course. I still tip same way when I’m in a restaurant. It’s when I’m at a walk up restaurant getting a burrito or getting a coffee that we’re pretty much forced into looking at their cash machine. It asks us how much we want to add for a tip.

I will admit, during Covid I was more generous, and honestly I was making more money in the business I am in, but I wasn’t rich. I just felt like I could be more generous to the service industry. Now things have calmed down, and I can’t afford to tip as much as I was.

I am willing to tip when it’s necessary or deserved but I feel like I’m asked at every counter I come up at what do you guys think?
Today I was buying a bottle of liquor from a liquor store here in SoCal and it literally asked me if I wanted to tip before I even swiped my card.

  1. I mean I just give .50-$1.00 because if every single costumer did that, that’s aoy of cash at the end of the day/night. So I do my part. Can’t guarantee others will, but they should

  2. Just don’t tip? I work at a coffee shop and the tips do help regardless of how much it is so I can’t really speak against any other retail/service place doing the same.

    You don’t have to tip the 15%-20% if you don’t have the money for it. Matter of fact, you don’t have to tip at all but don’t make it seem like having the option to tip is such an horrible offense because it is optional.

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