Looked through my husbands Email and his spam folder is filled with majority of cam girls that are posing as bots. Could it be an email that is linked to a site or is it an algorithm?!

  1. Could be neither. I get shit like that in my spam folder and I’ve never subscribed to a porn site. A lot of companies sell your email address to sites like these and they spam you. I wouldn’t worry about it

  2. Probably nothing. But if you want to or have to know if he is doing something shady, check his online history.

  3. My spam folder is full of that too. That and ads for viagra. And I’m a woman.

    I wouldn’t worry about it.

  4. I get spam for all kinds of cam girls and online sports betting. I don’t do either and never have. I believe it’s just sites randomly sending it because they know some sucker is going to click on it.

  5. That’s normal spam, not evidence of anything he’s done. But. . . Why are you checking his email?

  6. Nope. Not linked to sight at all I get
    It all the time and never been to a cam girls sight of anything

  7. Im a female; and I have never went through porn sites and put my email address. My spam folder is all about those cam girls boys and I have to constantly clean my spam fold. It’s normal.

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