So i was in a friend group comprising of 5 boys(including me) back in high school. These guys were fun but were too toxic. Like they always hated me growing as a person, for example when i tried to do new things I would get bullied(the type of bullying where it will end with none of them taking to me for a week or so). I never left the friend group because i became more relevant around the people of my age because of these guys.

I guess y’all have heard of the joke “Leader of the Friend Group”. Yeah, i actually have one in my old group. Like all the other dudes will be head over heels for that guy , i mean it’s okay with me till a certain point but beyond that it’s more like dick riding. If i say anything that goes against what he thinks, then i will be clowned on for that. So this used to make me very insecure about the genuine thoughts i had.

Since I went to a different City for Uni, i just stopped responding in the group chat. And these guys were pissed in the beginning but i didn’t care. Mentally i felt wayyy better after I stopped mingling with them but i always have a doubt thinking my life would’ve been better if i was talking to them .

Recently i tried to make some small talk and these guys started ghosting me lol. I know they are treating me like i treated them but i kinda feel bad. It’s just a weird feeling and i don’t know how to take of it.

  1. i always hate the leader of friend group thing. it’s annoying and i feel like i have to do something to impress the “leader” to make my value in my friend group.

    archive the group chat. the longer you be with them, the harder for you to end the friendship. being alone is much better than being with them imo.

  2. It’s like feeling bad about a mattress you threw out. Sure, it was saggy and old, but it’s probably lonely down at the dump. Unappreciated. Thinking about its old life in your bedroom.

    Keep the Mattress At the Dump, my dude.

    It’s still a saggy old mattress, and now it probably stinks from the dump too.

  3. Move on, and make newer and better friends that don’t interact with you like this. People do not change.

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