What’s the state most Americans have no strong opinion of?

  1. Vermont about the only things I know about Vermont is their maple syrup and beautiful scenery.

  2. Not sure if I can come up with one answer since there are probably 10-20 I’d put in that category. Most states that are really small by either population or area, with some exceptions, won’t get much negative attention. I don’t think anyone has a visceral hatred of Delaware, for example. I’d also guess states that are politically moderate are less likely to be controversial.

    On the opposite end of the coin, any state that is large/influential/powerful will evoke much stronger reactions. Likewise, states that gravitate toward one political party will also evoke strong opinions in some.

  3. Smaller east coast states (Delaware, Rhode Island) or states like Nebraska, or the Dakota’s.

  4. Connecticut. There’s nothing spectacular about it. It’s not the smallest or the prettiest or the most fucked up. Delaware has all those corporations. Rhode Island is a sparrowfart in a hurricane which is kind of funny.

    I’m gobsmacked at the folks who picked Nebraska. All that corn and no strong feelings? WTF?!?!

  5. I’m surprised no one has said Alaska, which makes me curious; what strong opinion does people have of Alaska?

  6. Nebraska. Politically purple. Not a huge population. Is best known for having a dedicated and polite fan base for their college team or having a great zoo. So not a big destination. Nebraska just quietly does it’s thing.

    States on the coast have too many visitors to not form an opinion. Rhode Island is known for a horrible state patrol. Connecticut has uber rich coastal areas and really bad areas. Both have millions of visitors passing through.

    Doesn’t seem to have crazy religious types (Kansas, westboro).

    Iowa has the primaries and attention it brings.

    Wyoming is known for strong conservatism.

    Colorado gets too many visitors to not have an opinion.

  7. About Delaware, has there ever been a movie, series, or song set there? The only _mention_ I can think of is when the Simpsons kids wanted to see a screen door factory. Like if there’s ever a movie about Joe Biden, I think they’d still skip over Delaware.

  8. if no one has said Wyoming before now then I take that as evidence that Wyoming is the answer

  9. I don’t have a strong opinion of most states and find that this is something that people asking questions in this sub are more interested in than any other place I’ve ever experienced in my life.

    The states are not that different from each other, especially the ones that border each other.

  10. The number of people saying “Delaware” but spelling it incorrectly tells you all you need to know.

    Not only do people not know how to spell it, but they don’t even autocorrect it when the red line tells them to.

  11. Honestly, for being the 5th most populated state (after CA, TX, FL, and NY), Pennsylvania seems to fly under the radar

  12. New Mexico, back when you could cross the border with your driver’s license I heard stories of border agents who didn’t think it was an American state.

  13. Most people forget Delaware even exists, it’s only somewhat remembered now because Biden is from there. Once he’s out of office it’ll go back to complete obscurity.

  14. Indiana. We have so much nothing that we’re known for being driven thru just to get somewhere else.

  15. Delaware. I’ve been to all 50 states and Delaware is the most forgettable IMO…other than credit card companies and banks it just doesn’t get mentioned in my world.

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