So this guy M31 buzzed on my flat number uninvited today, luckily I wasn’t in, my flat mate told him I wasn’t in, I told him I don’t want to be friends with anymore and I just want to move on with my life. Hopefully he won’t come by again as I find that creepy. What should I do if he does again?

1 comment
  1. Tell your flatmate that they are under NO circumstances, to tell them anything about your whereabouts and they are to NEVER let them in.

    If you can, look into a doorbell camera so you can document when/if he comes back. You will want to keep records of any interaction (dates, times, locations). They will be useful in case you need to report harassment to the police, or to get a restraining order.

    If you have straight-up told this guy that you don’t want to see him, and for him to leave you alone – and he’s not taking no for an answer, You need to be prepared to come down hard, with the law, if you need to.

    His “just showing up” is creepy as hell! A little paranoia goes a long way, and you need to trust your guts. You don’t have to be nice or polite to *anybody* who harasses you.

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