Me and this coworker have had a good relationship something happened between us two last week I told a couple people about it I think it Made it back to her she was in the office talking to the boss for 20 minutes idk if that’s what she was talking about I’ve never gossiped about anything between me and anyone till now I realize I messed up she didn’t seem like her normal self tonight, i texted her saying I appreciated our work relationship and told her I see her as a great friend we really have a good time at work together and told her thanks for everything no response hours later idk if that’s what they talked about I think it is.

So what happened is last week she came up to me when I was off the clock and said what i was looking I was on my phone and she saw something unintended some follower posted explicit content on Twitter I didn’t have control over and she saw it I apologized later she said she didn’t think nothing of it and I said stuff to a couple of people at work

  1. It is often said that when words are hard flowers will fix the same situations that an apology would. how true it is I have no idea but women love to get flowers

  2. Idk she seemed distant at work tonight she didn’t seem her normal self always smiling I think word got out to her that should have been between us only.

  3. She must having her period, because she stole all of yours. Damn that was hard to read.

    Seriously, what did you say around (to other coworkers if I understand correctly) may be more important than what she saw.

    Otherwise, well, suggest to grab a coffee after work and talk it out? You didn’t do anything wrong (unless undisclosed gossips as mentioned above).

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