I am definitely more sensitive than most people and this affects my relationships by making me overanalyze the reactions and behaviors of those around me. This especially affects my friendships, because if I perceive my friends as being annoyed with me, then I withdraw and become passive aggressive. not healthy, I know. I’m in therapy and trying to resolve this.

I had an interaction with a friend recently that left me feeling this way. We vent to each other and I thought it was a safe space for me to do this with her the other day. But I guess she got annoyed that I wasn’t feeling uplifted with her efforts and she responded with “well I was just trying to help you” in what I thought was a snarky tone. So since then we haven’t been talking much and i dele hurt by it. Part of me wants to approach her and assert myself but the other part of me just wants to see it as a small thing that I just have to let go. But that’s hard to do…

1 comment
  1. 1 stop judging body language through text. #2 Find better friends. Its taken me all of 30 years to find friends and a woman who i can bitch about my life with and vice versa and support them as well. If youre blowing their phone up or annoying then somehow, they should just say hey look i cant respond right now or something. If they dont want to hear it then fuck them. Sometimes we have to stand on our own 2 feet when we dont have anyone who will genuinely accept you for who you are.

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