Do you like girl who confesses first or does it only work if the girl is physically attractive?

  1. I mean, it only works if the person you’re confessing to has feelings for you too. Being attractive certainly helps in most cases, sure. It’s not exactly a requirement for confessions though.

  2. Confessions only tend to happen when facing someone out of your league. Else you’d just chat them up, get them interested and make things progress


    And so confessions tend to fall flat on their face. Especially disastrous for men as men get either straight up rejected and at best friendzoned.


    As a girl he might sleep with you first before doing any of that or he might not?


    Also you will probably get a lot of positive answer, but many guys struggle to the point of wanting to be with almost any girl, so there is that too.

    I’m guessing that for most guys the chance of ever having a girl confess to you is zero 🙂

  3. The whole idea of “confessing your feelings” makes me cringe tbh. It seems really intense and unnatural.

  4. I want a girl to show in her behaviour that she really likes me. It’s up to me to accept that invitation.

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