My hobbies are: powerlifting, watching football, fantasy football and going out wirh my wife/an Friends

  1. Let’s see;

    * Gaming
    * Anime
    * Working out
    * Hiking
    * Camping (including nude camping and hiking)
    * International music (German, Romanian, Korean, Japanese, Punjabi, etc.)
    * Indulging in international food, with a bias for Korean and Japanese food
    * Traveling
    * Buying and selling (hobby and career)

    Nothing too exciting but I like what I do lol

  2. * Video Games
    * Dungeons & Dragons
    * Musical theatre
    * Cross-stitching
    * ~~Reading~~ Collecting books to sit on my shelf
    * ~~Sewing~~ Collecting fabric and sewing supplies

  3. Tabletop Role Playing Games (AKA D&D)

    Video games.

    Reading. Though less of this than I’d like.


    Listening to History Lectures on Wondrium.

  4. Swimming hiking, antiquing, reading,

    Give up lifting after I blew a disc.😢

    Give up gaming a decade ago after too many 3:00 a.m. gaming nights.😂 haven’t played a single game since.

  5. – Fitness

    – Martial arts/combat sports

    – Reading (mostly non fiction)

    – I absolutely adore musical theatre

    – Ballet

    – Watching baseball with my husband, a former DI pitcher

  6. Video games and sometimes baking. I really enjoy eating out but that’s not really a hobby.

  7. Most of the time:
    – Cooking (and as of the last few months, bread baking)
    – Homebrewing (beer)
    – Hiking/backpacking
    – Reading. Mainly scifi/fantasy, 20th century fiction, or non-fiction about interesting history.
    – Bike Riding.

    Less often these days, but when possible:
    – Scuba Diving
    – Snowboarding
    – Picking up an old console game
    – Picking up my old guitar or trumpet
    – D&D (haven’t played in years, but it looks like I’m gonna start a campaign online with a friend from college)

    Would like:
    – Woodworking. I know a lot from my dad but don’t have the space right now. But I want a little garage shop SO BAD.

  8. Mostly video games, gardening, making art, cooking, photography (though not so often these days, used to be more into it), hiking/outdoors stuff, reading fantasy novels and then arguing about the books I read on the internet

  9. Hunting and dog training

    Cooking with my wife

    Shooting sports

    Hiking and backpacking


  10. Playing guitar, building and upgrading guitars, photography, collecting and listening to albums, reading and firefighting.

  11. I like 3D printing guns and firearm accessories, finding old junk motorcycles people are giving away for free and fixing them, and sometimes I like to go flying with my rich cousin in his plane.

  12. In no particular order:

    – Track and field (coaching and doing)
    – Video games
    – Watching hockey
    – Weightlifting
    – Making memes

  13. Archery, bicycling nature trails, motorcycling, browsing reddit with some bourbon, home cooking, gardening in the spring and harvesting in fall. I had other hobbies like ballet and yoga when dating women, but I never did those much when they left my life.

    Finding interesting musical artists that mash things up is always fun. Too Many Zoos and Gangstagrass are good examples. Leap Frog Studios is another.

  14. I’m a pretty basic granola type. I like Skiing, hiking, backpacking, camping, running, climbing, playing music, civil war reenacting, y’know the ushe

  15. Fish keeping, reading, video games, space designing/organizing, cooking/baking, kayaking, swimming, photography, hiking, gardening, home renovating, camping, and weightlifting are just a few of my favorites.

  16. My main hobby is collecting hobbies.

    Big ones at this moment:

    * 3D Printing
    * Designing things to 3D print
    * Table top RPGs (Pathfinder right now)
    * Miniature painting
    * World Building
    * Photography
    * Misc computer homelab stuff
    * Electronics Engineering
    * Lego

  17. • Running
    • Cycling
    • Acoustic guitar
    • Disc golf
    • Reading
    • Video games
    • Spending time with my wife and kids
    • Watching/following college football
    • Trying new restaurants
    • Indoor/outdoor plants/landscaping
    • Smoking meats/cooking

  18. Working on my classic car, playing guitar, thrifting, various art mediums (painting, drawing, molding, wood carving)

  19. Video games, movies in surround sound, watching sports, going for walks, trying new food places.

  20. Hunting, fishing, biking/walking around on the rural roads in my township and cooking historical recipes. I also got back into Pokemon somewhat recently and have been shiny hunting.

  21. Grew up and live in the southeast so here are the things that come to mind.

    Things I do consistently:
    – Watching sports (baseball, nfl, college football, and college basketball mostly)
    – Fishing / Fly fishing
    – Camping (more car camping than backpacking these days)
    – Golf (city I live in doesn’t have a great outdoor scene and all my friends play so gets me outside)
    – Biking
    – Grilling
    – Reading

    Other hobbies that I don’t get the chance to do as often anymore:
    – Sailing
    – Scuba diving
    – Climbing
    – Whitewater kayaking
    – Hunting

  22. Reading

    Creative Writing



    Listening to podcasts

    Playing Video Games

    Cooking and Baking


  23. Flying single engine airplanes, cars, lifting/HIIT, traveling, snowboarding, skiing, cycling, camping, gaming, making videos, listening to music, building things.

  24. Reading, crafting, baking, growing/propagating houseplants, video games, and yoga

  25. Not going to lie, but I’m only here because I don’t really have hobbies. Haven’t found anything that I enjoyed, so I’m hoping to find a new one.

  26. * My dogs.
    * Sewing and pattern drafting and design.
    * Knitting, but not as much as sewing.
    * Making rag rugs.
    * Reading older literature.
    * Collecting, storing, and organizing digital data on a wide variety of subjects — it’s an information hoarder’s thing… I collect sewing, knitting, crochet, and other craft patterns; recipes; old books and book collections digitized by Project Gutenberg and other places; home improvement information; and all kinds of other things.
    * I like watching BBC historical-based documentaries and productions of Jane Austen novels as long as they haven’t gone too modernistic.

  27. Working on my classic car, flying radio controlled airplanes, and 3d modeling / printing.

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