What states are part of the “Deep South”?

  1. South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama. If you want to be generous, you can include Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

  2. I’d include, far east Texas, Louisiana, southern Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and the Florida panhandle.

  3. Any of the states in the former Confederacy. So Virginia, The Carolina’s, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee.

  4. Deep South- Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina

    Definitely the South, but not the Deep South- Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia

    Doin their own thing- Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, West Virginia, Kentucky

  5. Best Answer I ever heard is that it’s the state’s that descended from colonies that were found explicitly for the purpose of expanding slavery in the style of the Caribbean slave lords.

    So Virginia isn’t “deep south” even though it had slavery, and fought for it.

  6. How to start a southern civil war in the comments 101.

    Tbh you really need to go by geographical lines more than state lines. NW Arkansas is hillbilly country, but SE Arkansas is definitely Deep South redneck shit. Inner NC and SC are Deep South but coastal areas are not. Etc.

  7. As the product of a Mason-Dixon marriage, I never tried to classify them, but I would guess it would be the secessonist states during what they called the War of Northern Aggression, or maybe just the ones that didn’t border the Mason-Dixon line itself. My mama’s family came to Georgia from Louisiana when my mama was young (and she was born 19 days before the stock market crash), and I would say both of those states are definitely Deep South.

  8. Alabama,Tennessee,Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Arkansas,Mississippi,and Arguably Florida (parts of it anyway)

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