I became good friends with a girl that I moved in my new house with. We got along great and we opened up and became quite close. we both suffer with mental illness and I am going through some grief.

I explained my childhood and this is why I look out for her as we share similar stories and birthdays ( i see alot of myself in her )

Anyway, I am going through some grief as the moment and I told her I want some space to myself as it was unhealthy for me to open up to her as she is my friend not my therapist.

Also , that same night , we she talking to another guy house mate \[26m\] who she was flirting with on snapchat. She liked teh validation, he is an addict and I told her he is trying it on with her but she inticed his advances. She said ” she can help him”.

Not my problem but I went to bed and when i woke up he was walking out of her bedroom in the morning. They were drinking and she was looking for a bottle of vodka at 2am with him which I put in my room as the housemate is an addict.

I admit i was dissapointed that she has a bf of 3 years and he is good to her. Its none of my business but it honeslty was drama. I asked for some electronics I lent her ( as an addict could steal them) and told her I want space for my grief. She tried to hug me but I declined .

Immediatly , she begins to be cold with me and answers in one word answers. I also have noticed she completly avoids the other housemate and waits for everybody to go to sleep before making food.

She became short when I said I will still look out for her but I am just going through some stuff ( and also to distance myself from the drama that will ensue)


My question, shy is she so cold and distant from me all of a sudden because again we are not lovers and just friends. But she is acting like i rejected her or dis something ?


TLDR : my housemate is cold and distant after I said I want space

1 comment
  1. to use your own words, it sounds like you got cold and distant first. then a bit judgy and sanctimonious.

    you already told her you needed space and wouldn’t hug her and made it clear you don’t trust her choices. so what do you want from her?

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