I want to improve because I Don’t want to have meaningless relationship with woman

  1. How long have you guys known each other?

    It could just be because the relationship is new or maybe you have accidentally invalidated her feelings in the past

  2. I would use that phrase to imply to somebody that the information that they were trying to get out of me was too personal and we were not on that level yet.

  3. I can’t speak for the women you’ve been with, but my guess is that you don’t respond well to emotional vulnerability. People who I don’t feel emotionally safe around are those who get angry or belittle my feelings when I express them.

    For example, if she is sad about something and you respond along the lines of, “Why are you so sad?” or “It’s not that big of a deal.” or “It’s fine, get over it”, then she isn’t going to feel emotionally safe around you.

    Validate feelings, show you understand even if you don’t completely. People want support and to be told they have a right to feel upset when they are having a difficult time.

  4. I don’t know that there’s enough background to go on here, but my first thought is that she feels like there are things about her that you would judge her for if she told you about them.

  5. It’s hard to know what exactly it means. Can you ask her which moment/s have made her feel unsafe?
    Personally if I said this I would probably imply that I am very hurt by some things this man has said, and that I am scared he will be mean in the future. It would also mean that a relationship is off the table.

  6. I would assume that meant that she doesn’t feel like she can be emotionally vulnerable with you.

  7. Read the book “non violent communication”by Marshall Rosenberg, learn empathy not just for others but your self and your life will transform

  8. Have you been criticizing her? Listening to alpha male podcasts around her? What’s the context?

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