My (20M) and girlfriend (20F) have been dating for 2 and half years now. For both of us this is our first relationship and also have both shared all our first sexual experiences with each other so far. However, we are still yet to have intercourse.

My girlfriend and I have tried a grand total of 8 times to have intercourse now, but we still can’t get it to work. My girlfriend is quite small whilst I’m a much larger human, and every time we have tried, we simply can’t get it to go in.

Whenever I search online for advice all I can find is the same things; lube and plenty of foreplay. We do plenty of foreplay, and use plenty of lube, however we still can’t get it to go in. We have tried multiple positions, with her on top, in missionary, doggystyle, some crazier positions we found on Google that were supposed to make it easier to go in. But regardless of what we try we can get it to work.

We both really wanna do this with each other, and last night we tried again. And my girlfriend and I messed around working up to it for quite some time, applied plenty of lube and still couldn’t get it to go in. She told me that she really wanted to do it, and was willing to push through the pain. So we slowly and gently kept trying. But I stopped because I could see how much pain I was putting her through unintentionally. This morning she woke up and was bleeding (not from her period) and I feel really bad.

We both wanna do it, it just doesn’t work for us. Are we sexually incompatible, I’m worried this is going to hurt our relationship. We both love each other but we’ve been trying to do this for a while now and it’s getting really frustrating for both of us.

Would love any advice.

  1. She could possibly have vaginismus, me and my previous partner went through the same thing, and it’s essentially making intercourse painful no matter how turned on you are for it! I would see a a doctor, it takes time and patience to heal, but it does tremendously help!

  2. The next step might be for her to speak with a doctor to see if there’s anything going on, like vaginismus.

  3. She should see a doctor to get a professional opinion.

    Once you have that it will be easier to plan what the next step for both of you to enjoy sex is

  4. Took us about 10 weeks till mine fit in her aswell.
    What she has to do is homework everyday. She has to use different sized dildos.
    And for the first time actually going in you have to use a lot of foreplay,
    best if you hit a kink like degrading, cuckqueaning or bondage.
    After that it always fit, but I have to be careful the first 20 seconds.

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