I’m 25M and I work in fluid simulation. I’ve been in this job about 6 months.

Basically. Ive made quite a few small mistakes recently that have caused my work to be wrong overall and had to be re run.

It takes about a week for each one to run.

I went and checked my simulation and realised that I’d made the same mistake I did last time. I don’t know how. It seemed right when I started it. But it’s wrong. a few lines in the code are wrong.

I also made a mistake on a previous simulation that meant I had to re run those too. Those re runs are okay.

as I made another mistake, these results are now wrong too. And we have to present the results tomorrow. I won’t have the new results in time and it’s meant to be the closing out presentation.

What do I do? How do I explain this??? I’m worried I’ll get sacked but I’ve been trying really bloody hard.

Tl;dr worried about how to tell my boss I fucked up again

  1. I probably wouldn’t wait to the presentation to tell my boss.

    Otherwise I’d think of what quality system or process procedure would have prevented this happening.

    Have a think about why this is happening for you and why you seem distracted? Good luck.

  2. I have been in a similar position to in the past with a simulation. It is good that you caught the mistake before presenting to the client and it sounds like you have all the facts on how to fix it and what the impact of the mistake is on the result.

    I would suggest telling your boss as soon as possible. If the mistake seriously affects the result and it is discovered later down the line, the consequences could be much worse.

    I know making the same mistake twice can’t feel good but we all make mistakes. As the other commenter said, is there a process that could have caught the typo early before committing to a week long simulation?

    Good luck, in my case it was a non-issue and I hope the same for you.

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