Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy places like r/cringe and r/im14andthisisdeep but I also really appreciate subreddits where people generally build each other up (such as this one). Curious if you guys have ones that you like?

  1. Here’s some of my favourites:

    r/patientgamers – good and supportive discussion of older (and cheaper) games

    r/bass and r/bassguitar – if you happen to play bass… which you probably don’t. Still great hobby subs.

    r/fuckimold – no description needed

    r/casualconversation and r/redditforgrownups – more mature and less “dank” subs for people who just want to chat

    r/kidsarefuckingstupid – who doesn’t like videos of kids falling down

    r/decidingtobebetter – great sub for suporting others who are taking steps to better themselves, less depressing than other mental health related subs

    r/subredditdrama and r/bestofredditorupdates – good for interesting reads on things that happen across reddit

    r/TILI – sub for things that people love

    r/fitness30plus and r/bodyweightfitness – more mature sub for fitness related things and less “gym bro” type talk

    r/menslib – good and reasonable discussion on men’s issues (and gender issues in general). Lots of interesting stuff on this one

    r/truechildfree – obviously only if you’re child free, but a far more supportive and less combative community than r/childfree

    And last but not least, one of my favourites: r/unclogged.

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