Some schools, such as the [Air Force Academy]( or [MIT](, have customized class rings that alumni keep as mementos or wear to special events.

Do any universities in Europe have something like this?

  1. I don’t think any here do. None of the ones I studied at for sure. We barely did anything for graduation in general. They just mailed us the diploma. There was some sort of graduation event, but you had to specifically sign up for it and it was like half a year after graduation so nobody ever goes there.

  2. No. The newest ‘trend’ in the UK is [“Leaver’s Hoodies”](

    They have them for milestones like finishing Primary School (age 11), finishing Secondary School (age 16), and finishing Sixth Form / College (age 18).

    When I was in school in the 90s you just got one of your old shirts signed, haha.

  3. I’ve never heard of any educational institute here having something like that. I mean no offense but those huge rings looks quite gaudy, especially the MIT design you shared. Universities might give you a small momento when graduating (for example I got a mug) but nothing that’s really meant for display. Showing off your achievements is generally considered tacky in Dutch culture anyway. Which is why it’s also rare for people to wear flashy jewelry. Showing off wealth is as a rule done subtly not overtly and that translates to jewelry as well.

  4. Oh god, no. No one would dream of wasting money on a tatty bit of Lizzy Duke special to commemorate leaving a place a lot of people loathe. When I was at school it was tradition to destroy one’s school shirt and then burn your school tie at the school gates. I used Lynx Africa as an accelerant with mine. Good times.

  5. Both my undergrad and postgrad unis do apparently sell them, but most people won’t even know that let alone actually buy one. Graduation ceremonies in general are a way for the university to try and milk you for all your money’s worth, and most people are more willing to spend that money on that one picture of yourself in a gown and mortar board you can hang up on your wall, than a signet ring.

  6. Nope. Only seen them in American Tik Tok videos and things of the sort, but related to high schools. Afaik we don’t even graduation ceremonies in most high schools (at least in Catalonia). I didn’t have any high school graduation ceremony or party of anything.

    School merchandising is generally not a thing. Some universities have them, but it’s a very recent thing and definitely not a local tradition. My university only started selling t-shirts and hoodies during my second year, and I never saw anyone buy or wear it.

    The only high school anything I have from high school is a t-shirt celebrating our finalists’ trip to Italy (this is quite common), and that’s it.

  7. I’ve never heard anything about something like that in Poland and honestly I doubt it’s a thing. From my experience we don’t really have any strong connection to our universities. After graduating no-one cares much about them and even before that they aren’t treated like an important part of our identity or anything like that.

  8. Nope, first time I heard about that was last year when my American friend explained it to me. She has one from highschool and one from grad school I think, or she didn’t buy it I’m not sure. But nope in France I have never heard of this.

    Sometimes the students will create merch, and I can also imagine some unis or engineering/business schools having official merch but nothing else than hoodies and shirts and similar things. Jewelry? Nope.

    My personal experience : 1) in last year of highschool (this one specific year), the students created a hoodie in American style and some of is bought it but it was not official at all and I believe the students who made them probably got a profit. 2) in engineering school each year we created a different hoodie, and one year the sport association created a trackie (tracksuit pants). Again, it was a student thing, not official merch from the school itself.

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