And how old were you when you realized it wasn’t for the mouse to be educated?

I remember this fundraiser through elementary school (mid-70s).

  1. Huh, had to Google that one. Had never heard of it.

    My department killed a lot of mice where I worked after college.

    My research particularly was human cell culture and human tissue samples so not so many mice died for me.

    Other labs did huge mice and rat studies. Hundreds or thousands of mice.

  2. We did it in my elementary school. The homeroom that raised the most money got a pizza party. My room won in 3rd grade, 1977. Nobody told us what happened to the mice. I have a feeling they didn’t get any pizza.

  3. Wow that’s crazy… I’ll have to ask my parents about that one lol, not to make you feel old but I wasn’t in elementary school until the late 2000s/early 2010s

  4. Something triggered this long recessed memory. Grew up in NE Ohio, by the way. It was a common fundraiser across the schools in our region, for sure.

  5. So I never sent a mouse to college, but like many children of the 80s I *did* collect pull tabs from soda cans that were allegedly used for kidney dialysis machines. Only as an adult did I find out that there is nothing special about the metal of soda can tabs that makes them useful for kidney dialysis machines.

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