I (M23) met a girl (F22) last year and we started something that felt that was going to become a relationship, we talked and dated for four straight months. Everything was fine until…

She tells me that she is going to visit her family in another country and that she is going to stay there for three months. It was fine for me so we kept talking and texting, but after two months, she tells me that she doesn’t have the same feelings for me… (monotony is dangerous)

I felt heartbroken, but I knew there was a slight chance. A month pass by and it’s time for her to come back. BUT, the day the she got here, she uploaded a story with her new situationship saying that she was going to miss him. I felt so bad and decided to respond to her “that is so fucked up” explaining how heartbroken I felt. She replied saying that “we were never anything“ and proceeded to apologize for making me feel bad. See, I get it, we were never official but were definitely getting there so it’s just heartbreaking and mind blowing how can someone change their feelings in just THREE WEEKS.

Thing is, I just can’t get her out of my mind so I needed to settle things down once for ever. I texted her recently (yesterday) telling her that I need to find peace and closure and that I wanted to talk to her (she agreed to talk over the phone, not in person).

I haven’t called her yet, and this is where I need the advice. I’ve been having mixed opinions whether I should just tell her that I appreciate everything she did and that is time for me to move on, OR tell her what I actually feel: that I want her and that I’d like to try it again.

Tbh there’s a lot I haven’t talked about. It’s a really complex situation, but I know for a fact she was also falling in love (she told me), but distance just sucks. So I would definitely appreciate any advice!! What should I talk with her when I get the chance?

  1. What more do you need? A closing remark??? I understand how vulnerable you are but u don’t need to call to for a closure it’s a waste of time and. It won’t change anything. Move on

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