What are your thoughts on the quote? “A man should be judged not by his money but rather what he does when he has none”

  1. Why is this focused on men? It’s true that people shouldn’t be judged by their money, but the second part is extremely elitist. People shouldn’t be judged by how they act when they’re desperate and acting on survival mode.

    Overall, terrible quote.

  2. I prefer the concept that all people should be judged by the ethical nature, kindness, and generosity of the choices they freely make, and also by any harm their choices cause others.

    I don’t care about your money or lack thereof. I care whether or not you are an ethical, caring, kind, and honest human.

  3. It’s ridiculous. You don’t judge people by what they do when they have no power, you should judge them by how they use the power they have.

    A person without money has limited choices, and so it’s difficult to judge their character at that time. A person with money has many more, so you get a greater view into who they are.

  4. I can appreciate the spirit.

    I volunteer at a homeless center and some of the guests there absolutely show they have a heart of gold despite the most dire of circumstances.

    But there are plenty of rich assholes. They’d be assholes at any income level, kwim? And those capable of generosity when they have nothing aren’t likely to abandon it when they have a lot

  5. I’ve never heard of that quote before. I guess it’s…fine? I mean, not everyone ever has *no* money so it’s not like it’s applicable to everyone. Some people are better with it than others so I guess I’d judge them based on their income and what they would do with it if I had to judge. Do they piss it away? Are they actively saving?

  6. Not sure about why it focuses on men but I don’t see the reasoning behind judging someone based on their income.

    Plus people resort to a lot of horrible shit that they don’t have financial stability.

  7. I take it be about humbleness. Think about all the millionaires or billionaires lacking in kindness, empathy, etc. All the money in the world won’t make them good people. Take someone who has less or doesn’t focus on the material things and is rich in joy, happiness, kindness, empathy, etc.

  8. I wouldn’t judge a man based on how much money he has or what he does when he doesn’t have any. That’s not as much as an important metric. Whats more important is seeing he has a plan to have a stable life but not to the point where he starts hoarding money

  9. Ehh… I think it’s pretty well documented that people of all genders act their worst when they’re destitute and in survival mode.

    If someone is financially comfortable and still being an ass, then I’ll judge them.

  10. As someone who knows a few addicts: No, you judge them at every state.

    My mil recently relapsed because I’d been helping her save and manage her finances. She went to visit some friends and had money and did what she does. Broke people can be on their best behavior bc they can’t afford to get into bs.

  11. Hate it. Sounds like elitest/capitalistic BS to me. A man – presumably, a “human” – should be judged by what they do when they are desperate to survive? When they are constantly beaten down? When they are at their most vulnerable?


    But we *should* judge the rich by their money. The people who hoard their riches while others suffer needlessly.

    What your quote is asking is that we further kick a vulnerable person rather than keeping an eye on the *true* villains.

  12. I prefer “it’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”

    Especially when a man grows that.

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