One of my coworkers who has also become one of my closest friends, is upset with me due to a work related situation.

She’s the sweetest person & everyone loves her. Which, completely caught me off guard.

Long story short, I escalated a situation to a manger on the day she was out of the office to appease an upset customer that she was helping.

I told the manager to delegate it to someone else so the client could get taken care of immediately.

My friend came back on a Monday and sent me an email that was a novel. She was so upset that I got a manager involved. She kept saying things like “you out of all people should know how to handle a situation like this”.

First of all, I don’t appreciate her attacking me like this. I think it’s unprofessional.

Since I am a people pleaser, I feel like she felt like it was okay with confronting me because I am very non-confrontational.

She works remote & we haven’t talked in a few days. Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it’s giving me anxiety.

1 comment
  1. Yea you’re overthinking it man. Just let go of the situation and talk to them like normal the next time you talk to her. If she holds a grudge, it’s on her.

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