So. Had low testosterone for years 318 on last test. Asked doctor for shots. He said yes. First 3 shots minimal. But 4 shot was Friday and something definitely changed

My wife and I have great relationship and we had sex most Saturday nights. Kind of our thing to take some edibles and chill together.

Although i could get hard I typically added a cialis to the mix to I insure hardness

Yesterday was crazy. I kept touching wife all day (I am not a touchy person). Had sex 3 times. WOW.

Feel like a horney teenager. But here are drawbacks. I keep looking at porn with new lust. Finding attraction to random women I meet. All of the sudden I get a little flirty. My youngest daughter just graduated college and was visiting last weekend. Had horny feeling about old friend that she grew up with

I haven’t ever cheated in relationship with wife. We have a really good relationship. But now somewhat concerned about how this effects life outside of bedroom

Have urges now that I haven’t dealt with for a long time.

Looking for some feedback from anyone going through this. Just crazy feelings all of the sudden.

  1. Testosterone isn’t the nectar of gods of men for no reason!

    If you can handle it, see if you can get consistent shots more often so your blood levels will be more stabilized. Perhaps bring up subcutaneous shots with an insulin needle instead of regular ones

    ^^*note ^^not ^^a ^^doctor

    Really go have fun with your wife, get some activity back in your life (gym?) if you haven’t as muscle gains will come flying in with the hormones (as well as fat loss)

    take full advantage of it!

  2. I remember those days. Enjoy it while it lasts, it tends to go away after a few months.

  3. Ive heard this before with a divorce afterwards. Just dont try to dedicate yourself to fucking your wife and enjoy this new renaissance.
    Eventually you might come to a lower dose and clarity might hit you hard. Be careful have fun.

  4. To have new and stronger desires is not the same as betraying your marriage. *You* can still choose what you *do* with that energy. Heck, if the wifey isn’t available physically, maybe some dirty sexting or something? Or perhaps a workout to blow off some steam till she’s available.

    It’s amazing how your quality of life can improve when a chemical imbalance is corrected. Keep communication open with the wifey, let her know how these changes are making you feel, and I’d say, give it time.

    Obviously, I’m not your medical provider, but my general experience with meds like these is they often “level out” some after you’ve taken them for a bit, but your mileage may vary. If ever it gets concerning or disruptive to your quality of life, let your provider know, but if they say you’re okay, I’d just give it time.

    Heh, and as long as the wifey is down for it, maybe just keep having some fun and building moods and jump her bones?

    Be safe, and be honest with your wife and provider, but otherwise, enjoy the newfound energy and have fun, man!

  5. What you may be expecting is the “honeymoon” phase of TRT. It will pass in a week or so.

    Hopefully you have done some research on TRT. And hopefully you ate getting treatment and advice from a doctor that knows about TRT.
    Most GP’s and endocrinologists do NOT how to properly administrator TRT.

    Good luck.

  6. 60+. My sex drive is almost as high as your rejuvenated one, sort of. It’s as broad, but not as deep. I’m not taking T, but because of your post, I’m going to beg my urologist next month. Until now I was “does it really help that much?”. Cialis helps.

    My take is that for many, many years now, I have believed my sex drive is somehow related to all joy in life. When my sex drive weakened, my intensity weakened across the board. Hobbies: I’m less passionate about them, too. I crush on women all the time — but less intensely. I feel less alive. Young men wonder: which is worse, to have a stratospheric sex drive and not be getting any, or to not have the drive? “If I didn’t the drive, my misery would be gone.” Four decades later, I now know I’d rather have that misery.

    I compare sex drive to the sense of taste. Imagine your sense of taste weakens so that a glass of orange juice tastes watery no matter how concentrated you make it. That’s been you for the last several years.

  7. Please focus all this energy on your wife. Please. She deserves it. If you make it obvious you are gawking at women, especially women your daughters age and use of excessive porn, it will leave a sour taste in your wife’s mouth for a long long time. Role play, have car sex, get the spicer app. Give each other dares. Have soo much fun!

  8. I started injections a year ago. My T is 1500 last test. Free was high, estradiol low, and shbg right in the middle. I’m 64 going on 21. Made great difference in my life, all around.
    See dr. Do the blood work, and take the shots. I tried the pellets but they did not work, kicked my shbg through the ceiling

  9. I gather the injections give you a monthly amount of testosterone all at once. So you might get a large surge of the benefits or disadvantages all at once. My husband’s Dr said he is very reluctant to use it for his patients because some go off the rails spectacularly and become road raging incredible hulks. The topical daily gels/creams are less unpredictable.

  10. We are experiencing the exact same. Both of us began HRT. 31 years together, 58F & 54M having more sex now than in 1992. 2-4x daily every day. Extremely intense and long orgasms. I urge everyone to get their hormones checked.

  11. So I got mine tested and it was 381 but the Dr said it was still in range. Maybe I should still ask to boost it, or is there something I can try to do to boost it myself? 37 male

  12. Bro you have a wife. So you should idk fuck he’d brains out like a good husband would do. Stop looking at people that could be your kids unless you want to go down the classic mid life crisis path.

  13. at your age, do you REALLY need testosterone? maybe if you were low for the last 20 years and you need to improve bone density, okay maybe… but why? what was the catalyst to seeking out testosterone supplementation? what was the cause or problem? also, edibles/THC.. kind of contraindicated. imagine… jacking your testosterone and getting high off THC is seriously going to impact your mental health… watch the movie “American Beauty”. sure… it could be channeled to ALL POSITIVE, but here you are… potentially experiencing negative effects… i dunno. Cialis is great… pretending like Testosterone is BETTER… no… Cialis doesn’t fuck with your head like Testosterone does… so it really depends on your individual needs. if you’re not careful, you’ll be fucking your daughters’ friends and then divorced.. and then…

  14. 51 year old here, same thing happened to me. Now is a good time to explore new kinks with your wife, but only your wife. You’ve built a great life together, don’t fuck up it up because of baby batter.

  15. Focus on fitness and activity. I was diagnosed with low T about 44 years old 125! Was my first test. Doctor said she was limited so I went to a low T clinic. Best number with doctor was 360. Now with the clinic I am 602 total and 17.52 free.
    Starting to have the same issues. Just keep busy. Hobby helps. Now the estrogen is creeping up so ED became an issue. So now on a estrogen blocker. Hopefully the ED is gone pronto that is super frustrating.

  16. Are you going to go back to your doc? Just wondering if there are some control of this. I am thinking about T shots, too. I want more awareness, but I do NOT want to go back to my 20’s. My 30’s through early 50s were great to good. How long between shots and how long would you expect them to last. I also would like to get some muscle growth back!

  17. Just keep in touch with your doctor. As a fellow silver back I can tell you that it was helpful sometimes and would wane off other months. Overall good but I did find out later that it can affect other system such as prostate and endocrine which may be a concern even years later, so just make sure your doctor is aware of the benefits your getting so they can also monitor your bloodwork for any possible issues and advise you properly. We are not our own best doctors in every case. Good luck and health to you and I hope you get to keep the good parts!

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