So.. I’m weird, I know this, I accept this. But my wife and I have a little game we play with.. the visitor tags we get when we go to our kids school.

We go to the school (8 yr old triplets, so same one) for various events.. daddy daughter dance, book club, etc. Each time we go, we get a visitor sticker from the office.

Everytime we go, when leaving, I make it my mission to….. Stick my visitor sticker somewhere on my wife without her noticing. She knows I do this and tries to detect and defeat me at this little game.

Wife went and was a guest teacher for Art Masterpiece yesterday. As we were getting ready for bed, I found my wife’s visitor sticker on top of our bathroom trash can.

*Cue Mission Impossible music*

I pull it off the trash can and ninja my way out to where she is. I successfully deploy the sticker on prime territory – the butt – by mixing the plantation with a nice pat.

This was 6 hours ago. I’ve been grinning like an idiot all morning waiting for her to find this sticker and get “mad” at me for doing this. If she doesn’t find it, I’ll tell her about it later.

Told you I’m weird.

Edit – she snuck it into my lunchbox!!!!

  1. That’s called flirting. It’s an important part of dating. And you should always date your spouse.

  2. That sounds really fun and sweet. Not weird or abnormal at all. I think we need to stop calling having silly fun “weird,” it’s not. In fact, it’s more normal than weird IMO. We don’t need to be “grown ups” all the time. We’re still people, we’re not roles.

  3. Me and hubby and kids do this sometimes with clothes pins or bag clips. Try to clip it on each other’s clothes and see how long it takes to notice.

    My dad used to do this when I was little, which is where I got the idea. He was the master of course, and if we could manage to get a clip onto dad without him noticing we felt like a champion for at least a week.

  4. So, years and years ago (probably well over a decade) my boys got this big bin of fake bugs. One was this big ugly cockroach. One day I saw it on the floor in my kids room and almost jumped because a) I’m blind without my glasses so it looked real and b) IT LOOKED REAL. When I realized it was plastic, I thought “Hmmm this can be fun” and stuck it in my husband’s boot. We are still to this day hiding this bug in each other’s stuff. I just found it in my the bottom of a purse I haven’t used it months. I then put it in his beard kit. Now we wait. Lol

  5. I love it!!!

    My husband and I still do the whole, “Someone left a message for you..”


    “Deez nuts!”

    The trick is to let some time lapse between each joke so it’s not obvious you’re setting them up.

    Anyways, every time we laugh like it’s the first time we ever heard the joke.

  6. This is awesome. It sounds like you and your wife know how to have fun with one another.
    It so nice to hear.

  7. Nah this is not weird, its harmless fun and playfulness and silliness are a good thing in marriage.

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