All I know how to do is commiserate. How do I actually help lift someone’s mood?

Most problems in life can’t be solved through just the words of a friend. But I feel like all I do is actually worsen their mood by affirming that everything is as shitty as they perceive it.

For my own part, I only keep the low mood at bay through distracting myself. It’s not sustainable but I sustain it anyway. I don’t have any secret trick to share.

1 comment
  1. It depends on what your friends need in the moment or as a coping mechanism in general.

    Sometimes people want to explore potential solutions and troubleshoot.

    Some people need to be reminded how awesome they are or looking at the same situation from a different perspective.

    Some people need validation and active listening.

    Sometimes people need you to be near and quiet.

    Sometimes distractions work best until there’s enough emotional distance to review the situation more logically.

    The only way to find out is to ask “what do you need from me right now and what can I do to make you feel better?”

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